He Gets Sick

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"There he goes again..." Jay complains.

Kai has been sneezing all day, to the point where everyone is fed up with it. Unfortunately, he refuses to go lay down or admit that he's sick. This means that you all have to put up with his coughing and sneezing, which might actually be a fire hazard, considering his elemental power.

"Kai, will you please just go lie down and get some rest?" Cole asks. "You can make up the training later."

"I keep telling you guys I'm fine!" Kai coughs and sniffles before continuing, "I'm just a little tired, that's all. Once I do some training, I'll wake right up." He leaves the room without waiting for an answer.

Zane frowns. "I calculate a ninety-five percent probability that if Kai attempts to train in this condition, he will end up hurting himself."

You jump to your feet. "Well, then, we'd better stop him! Come on!"

"I don't know..." b/f/n mutters from behind you. "Watching Kai hurt himself might be pretty funny." You and the rest of the ninja shoot her a look. "A little funny," she amends. "Not like, really funny-you know what, let's just go stop him before he does something stupid."

You walk into the training room and find Kai sizing up the training course. Before he can start going through it, you cup your hands around your mouth and yell, "KAI!"

Kai sighs and turns to face you. "How many times do I have to tell you, y/n, I'm not sick! I'm just a little tired, that's all-achoo!"

"Let me feel your forehead," you demand. Without waiting for an answer, you check his temperature. "Kai, you have a fever! You need to go lie down right now."

"I'm not sick!" Kai folds his arms and stomps his foot. "And I'm not going to bed!"

"Kai Smith, you're going to bed if I have to drag you there kicking and screaming!" You reply, putting your hands on your hips. "You and your weird hair!"

Instead of replying, Kai throws his hands up and falls on the floor, like a child throwing a temper tantrum. "I'm not going, and you can't make me," he mumbles, curling into a ball. Within seconds, he's fast asleep.

"Fine. Help me lift him, guys." You hoist Kai into the air with a little help from b/f/n and Lloyd and carry him to his room. You tuck him into his bed and let him be. You can ask Zane to help you make some soup for Kai later.

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