F/c/n's Comeuppance

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It takes five minutes for you to explain the situation to Kai and fifteen for the ninja to arrive at f/c/n's house. By then, b/f/n has calmed down enough to explain that f/c/n has her phone, her wallet with her driver's license and credit cards in it, and a few other personal items of hers in his house, and he won't give them back.

"The plan's pretty simple," you announce to Kai and the other ninja. "We knock on this creep's door and ask for b/f/n's stuff back. If he says no, if he won't let us in, if he hesitates at all, you guys Spinjitzu him into next century.

Cole grins. "Sounds like a plan. Let's do this thing."

Lloyd pokes your shoulder. "Do you mind if I make some mischief while we're in there?"

You shake your head. "Not at all. The more trouble that guy has to deal with, the better."

Not surprisingly, f/c/n doesn't provide much resistance when you and b/f/n show up with the ninja in tow. You're a bit disappointed, though—you wouldn't have minded watching the ninja Spinjitzu him into next century.

Things go pretty smoothly, in your opinion. You, Jay, and Zane help b/f/n find her things, Cole keeps an eye on f/c/n, and Kai hovers over you protectively after he catches f/c/n giving you what he thinks is an alluring look. Lloyd wanders around the house with a kitchen-sized garbage bag. You're not sure what he's up to, but knowing him, it'll mean an unpleasant surprise for f/c/n in the near future.

At last, b/f/n announces that she's found all her stuff and you can leave now. On the way out the door, f/c/n sidles over to b/f/n and whispers something into her ear. She responds by slapping him.

You give f/c/n a dirty look on your way out the door. If looks could kill, he'd be a pile of ash on the carpet. Lloyd comes out last, dragging his bulging garbage bag behind him.

Back at the monastery, all attention turns to Lloyd. "What's in the bag?" you ask.

"Weeelll.." Lloyd says with a smirk.

"Come on, spill!" b/f/n demands eagerly. "What did you do?"

Lloyd laughs. "I booby-trapped the laundry room, kitchen, and bathroom, unscrewed all the lightbulbs I could reach so they won't light up, unplugged his TV, nightlight, and computer, and...let's see, what else...?"

"What's in the bag?" you repeat.

"Oh, yeah!" Lloyd starts pulling things out of the bag and putting them on the coffee table. "I took his phone charger, his keys, a bunch of loose change that was lying around, the nightlight, and-" his grin gets even bigger "-all the toilet paper in the house."

There's a moment of stunned silence. Then b/f/n bursts out laughing. "All of it?"

"Every last roll."

B/f/n grins and throws her arms around Lloyd. "You're all amazing, you know that?"

"Even Kai?" you tease.

"Don't push it," b/f/n replies. But she's smiling.

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