He Surprises You

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"So, y/n," Kai says. He runs one hand through his spiky hair the way he always does when he's trying to be suave. You've never bothered to tell him that he fails miserably. Besides, he's cute when he thinks he's being smooth.

You flutter your eyelashes innocently. "Yes, Kai?"

Your flirting has the desired effect, and Kai immediately loses his train of thought. "Well, uh, you see, uh, I was thinking that maybe since we finally got Lloyd and b/f/n to go out, we might, you know, go out and celebrate! For dinner! Just...the two of us. Like old times."

"Are you sure?" you ask, pretending not to notice how nervous Kai looks. "I thought it might be nice to go out on a double date with them. We could check to see if they hold hands under the table or not." You wink at him for good measure, and watch Kai flush beet red.

"Well, yeah, but I have something kind of important to tell you and I was hoping we could talk about it in private, because it's sort of personal, and if you say no it'll be really embarrassing—"

"Say no to what?" You drop the innocent act like a rock. "What are you up to?"

Kai freezes as he realizes that he said too much. "Nothing! Nothing! Nothing at all!"

"You're a horrible liar, Kai."

"I didn't say anything!" Kai is panicking now, which only makes his excuses more transparent.

You fold your arms. "Uh-huh. And I'm the mailman. Seriously, Kai, what is it? You can tell me."

Kai makes a face and sighs in defeat. "Okay, I'll tell you. Close your eyes."

You do as he says and hear Kai moving around for a few seconds. "Okay—don't open them yet!" he yelps. "I need to say something first!"

"Okay, okay, no peeking," you sigh. "So what is it?"

"So, um, I've been thinking about this for a while," Kai starts. "I mean, basically since your dad kidnapped you—sorry!" he adds when you wince. "Okay, but the point is, I love you. A lot. And I want to spend my whole life with you. You know, if you'll let me. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me, y/n?"

You jerk in surprise and open your eyes. Kai is kneeling in front of you with a small ring box in his hand. He looks really nervous and also sort of hopeful, which makes you feel a little sorry for teasing him earlier. A little.

The first thing you do, of course, is try to stop yourself from crying because you're so happy. The second thing you do, after trying to stop crying fails miserably, is say, "Yes, Kai, I'll marry you."

And the third thing you do is let him slide the ring he's holding onto your finger before tackling him in a huge hug and giving him a kiss that he absolutely deserves.

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