The Beginning of Forever

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"I hate giving speeches," b/f/n grumbles.

"Just a short one," you promise. "You are the maid of honor, after all. It's kind of a requirement."

B/f/n shakes her head. "The things I do for my best friend. All right, where do I stand?"

You're holding the reception back at the monastery. All the training equipment and weapons have been put away, and the training room has been decorated and transformed into a proper party room. You have no idea how everyone pulled it off, but you suspect the ninjas' training in the art of throwing a party had a lot to do with it.

As per wedding custom, the best man and maid of honor are both giving short speeches to congratulate the newlyweds. Lloyd has already given his speech, wishing you and Kai a long and happy marriage. Now it's b/f/n's turn.

B/f/n climbs onto the dining room table, which has been repurposed as a small stage for the reception. Jay hands her a microphone from off to the side. Your friend clears her throat awkwardly and taps the microphone a few times to make sure it's on.

"Okay, so, uh..." she begins awkwardly. "I guess I just want to say that no matter what, I'm happy for you, y/n, and even if I don't always get along with Kai, I know you're gonna be very happy together. And, well, I'm glad you two met, and I'm glad I've gotten to make such amazing friends because of you." She sniffles quietly, prompting Lloyd to offer her a box of tissues. "And I don't know why I made the no-crying rule because this is the happiest day of my best friend's life and I'm so proud of her!"

Lloyd pulls out a tissue and hands it to b/f/n, who takes it and blows her nose loudly. Lloyd hugs her and keeps handing her tissues while she dabs at her eyes. More than a few of the people in the crowd "aww" quietly. You're not sure if they're happy about the speech or the tissue and hug.

Finally, b/f/n recovers enough to do the last thing she needs to do on stage. "And now, let's hear it for y/n, with a very special wedding present for her new husband!"

You take the makeshift stage, pick up the microphone b/f/n set up, and begin your first live performance of a song from your newest album. It's a love song you wrote specifically with Kai in mind, and you've been bursting to sing it to him for weeks. B/f/n, who's still your producer, actually held the album's release back by a week so that Kai could be the first one to hear it.

People smile as you continue the song. Some of them sway to the music, while others pull out tissues of their own. Kai stands next to the stage and gives you a silly grin. About halfway through the song, he waves his arms to get your attention, then points to one side of the stage. You glance over and see Lloyd and b/f/n standing there, swaying gently to the music and completely lost in each other's eyes. You smile to yourself and focus on making the rest of the song extra sweet, just for them.

When the song's over, everyone in the room claps and cheers. Then you hold up your bouquet and announce, "Guess what time it is?"

Every girl in the crowd scrambles to the front, hopping and waving their arms. You pull your arm back and launch the bouquet into the crowd. Nya ends up catching it, then blushing and looking over at Jay. You nudge Kai with your elbow and point to Jay, who's gone the same color as a ripe tomato.

"I guess we know who's next," you whisper.

Kai tries to make a face, but doesn't succeed. "You're not wrong. I caught Jay looking at engagement rings a few weeks ago. But we all know who's coming after them."

He nods in the direction of Lloyd and b/f/n, who are still staring into each other's eyes and swaying back and forth, despite the fact that the music stopped several minutes ago.

"Setting them up was the best idea we've ever had," you whisper.

"Hey, it was my idea, and don't you forget it," Kai scolds, poking you on the nose.

You roll your eyes teasingly. "How could I forget—Kai! Look! Quick!"

Kai whips around and follows your pointing finger to Lloyd and b/f/n. They're not swaying or staring into each other's eyes anymore. Instead, they're kissing.

"They're definitely together now," Kai says happily.

You tug his shoulder around and lean forward to give him a quick kiss of his own. "It's about time."

(Someone needs to stop me from writing fluffy things that make me cry. 

Merry Christmas, everyone!)

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