A Confusing Morning

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You wake up feeling unusually warm. It takes you a minute to remember that Kai fell asleep on your bed last night. When you open your eyes, he's still there, spread out on top of the covers, one arm draped over you, opposite leg dangling over the edge of the bed, hair mussed so the spikes are even more unruly than usual, mouth hanging open, and a bit of drool running down his chin. Behold your dork in wrinkled pajamas.

"Kai." You nudge him gently. He shifts in his sleep, but doesn't respond. "Kai, wake up."

A quiet snore is the only answer you get. You shake your head and decide to let Kai sleep, at least until you can find a camera. He's too cute like this for you to not have a picture of him.

You try to slide out from under the covers, but Kai shuffles around in his sleep and wraps his arm around you more tightly, trapping you.

"Love you too, you dork," you sigh, "But I need to get up so—wait, what time is it?"

You wiggle one arm free and pick up your phone, which is sitting on your bedside table. The screen lights up and displays the time: 12:48.

You stare at it for a second, then start wiggling more insistently. You've seriously overslept. It's a wonder b/f/n hasn't woken you up already. Speaking of which, why hasn't she woken Kai up? After all, everyone knows that she and Kai don't get along very well.

After a lot of wiggling and some creative use of your pillow, you finally manage to extricate yourself from the bed. You pull some clothes on and head for the kitchen to snag some food and see where b/f/n went.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Nya says when you step into the kitchen. "Looks like you finally got some decent sleep last night. Kai, too."

"Where is everybody?" you ask. You pull some cereal and a bowl out of one of the cupboards and fish a spoon from one of the drawers.

"Shopping for decorations," Nya tells you. "Except b/f/n and Lloyd. They're on a date."

You pour yourself some cereal and dig in. "That explain—what? Say again?"

Nya giggles. "B/f/n and Lloyd are on a date."

You shake your head and dig back into your cereal. "That's what I thought you said."

"Don't worry, they'll be back before too long. They're having Kai's bachelor party out at Dareth's dojo tonight."

Your spoon scrapes against your bowl and you glare at it before looking back up at Nya. "Wait, who's Dareth?"

"You've never met him, but he was a huge help after we defeated the Great Devourer and didn't have a place to train. He should be at the wedding—I'm pretty sure Kai invited him. He's really silly. I think you'll like him."

"I'll take your word for it," you tell her, shoveling the last of your cereal into your mouth.

Nya laughs. "Great. Now come on, we should wake Kai up and then get you ready for the bridal shower."

"W-wait, that's tonight?!"

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