Operation Get Lloyd And B/f/n Together

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"You're late!" you say as Zane walks into the bedroom.

"My apologies, y/n," Zane replies. "I simply wanted to ensure that nobody else was in the monastery."

You sigh and gesture to the edge of Kai's bed. "Just sit down, Zane."

Cole looks at Kai, who is leaning against the wall with a rolled up piece of paper in his hand. "Now do we finally get to hear about this big idea of yours?"

"Yes," Kai says. "Some of you may have noticed what's been going on lately. Well, I have a plan—"

"Get to the point!" you yell jokingly.

Kai points at you. "No hecklers, even if they are my cute girlfriend. As I was saying—"

Jay jumps up and snatches the paper from Kai's hand. "What's this?"

"Hey!" Kai tries to grab Jay, but ends up falling over. "Give that back!"

Zane grabs the paper from Jay and unrolls it. "Operation get b/f/n and Lloyd together?"

Jay snickers. "Wow. I've heard a lot of crazy ideas from you, Kai, but this one takes the cake!"

"Cake?" Cole sits up straight and looks around. "Where?"

"I believe Jay was using a figure of speech, Cole," Zane explains.


Kai gets to his feet, red-faced. "Anyway," he says loudly. "That's the idea. We're going to help b/f/n and Lloyd realize that they're perfect for each other and get them to go out."

Cole narrows his eyes. "And there's no, I don't know, other reason for this?"

Jay punches Cole's shoulder lightly. "Oh, lighten up, Cole! They are perfect for each other! Besides, this is so positively romantic! Nya will love it!"

You glance over at Kai and notice that he looks annoyed. "Jay, just be quiet, please."

"Cole has a point," Zane says. "We all know that b/f/n does not like you, Kai. There is a slight possibility that you may be planning some kind of revenge."

"Slight as in immensely huge," Cole says. You guess he's still annoyed about there being no cake.

"I'm not planning anything mean! You've seen how those two are around each other!" Kai protests. "Help me out here, y/n!"

You nod. "They do like each other a lot. I'm all for it." When the other three hesitate, you add, "Would I really do something mean like this to my best friend? Come on, who's with us?"

"I'm in!" Jay practically yells. "Oh, this is going to be so fun!"

"This does sound most intriguing," Zane says. "I will gladly join."

Everyone turns to look at the only person left in the room. "Cole?" Kai asks.

Cole looks around at you all, then sighs. "Well, why not? Someone's got to keep an eye on you lunatics. Let's do this thing."

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