B/f/n Somehow Pulls Everything Off

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"Come on, y/n, we've gotta go go go!" B/f/n bursts into the bathroom four and a half minutes later, grabs your hand, and hauls you to the door. "They're starting!"

"Already?!" you yelp.

"Yes, now come on!"

You grab the bathroom door to keep it from slamming in your face. "But what about punishing people?"

B/f/n snatches up the bouquet that's sitting on the table by the bathroom door and stuffs it into your hands. "There wasn't time. I'll do it after." She drags you down the hall, stops you to check around the corner, then leads you to the chapel doors. "Okay, when the ceremony starts, Zane and Cole will open the doors. Just walk through and go straight."

This is it. You're really doing this. You're going to marry Kai. once you step through those doors, there's no turning back.

"B/f/n, I don't know if I can do this," you whisper frantically.

B/f/n freezes for a moment, then turns to face you and puts her hands on your shoulders. "Yes. You. Can."

You shake your head. "But you hate Kai. How can I marry someone my best friend hates?"

The aforementioned best friend scowls. "You're just looking for an excuse to quit. Since when has me hating Kai stopped you before?"

"It hasn't..." you admit.

"So it shouldn't this time," your friend tells you matter-of-factly. "Now, I need to get in there and tell the priest we're ready to start. Stay here, and when you hear the music start, start walking. And no crying!"

B/f/n takes a few steps down the hall, then turns and adds, "Besides, I don't really hate Kai. I was just mad because he hurt you. You're perfect for each other, and you're lucky to have him." She runs off before you can say anything.

You stare down the hall and come dangerously close to breaking the no-crying rule. Fortunately, you're saved by the music starting. You turn to face the doors, and when they open, you start walking. Sensei Wu holds out his arm for you to rest your hand on and walks you down the aisle while the music plays.

It takes you a second to spot Kai, who looks fantastic in a tuxedo with a red bow tie. The minute he sees you, his jaw drops open. It stays that way until Lloyd elbows him. On the other side of the altar, b/f/n is watching you with a proud look on her face. You can pick out a few faces in the small audience: Nya and the other bridesmaids lining one side of the aisle, while the ninja are on the other side, dressed as groomsmen. You can pick out your mom, who's already sniffling into a tissue, and a few of your friends from school.

Almost before you know it, you're at the altar. You take Kai's hands and smile at him while the priest says a few words about love and fidelity. Lloyd is holding something in his hands and staring over your shoulder, probably at b/f/n.

"Do you, Kai Smith, take y/n l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?"

Kai smiles at you. "I do."

"Do you, y/n l/n, take Kai Smith to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." You hear sniffling from behind you—it sounds like b/f/n is breaking her own rule.

You take the ring you got for Kai from b/f/n and put it on his finger, then he gives you the ring Lloyd was holding for him. You both sign the marriage certificate, and so do b/f/n and Lloyd, who are acting as witnesses to the marriage. Then, finally, the priest says the words you've been waiting for:

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Kai leans in and kisses you. You hear a collective "Awwwww!" from the crowd, and sobbing that's definitely coming from b/f/n, and someone whooping loudly before being shushed.

This is the best day of your life.

(I made myself cry writing this. I hope you guys are happy.)

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