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(Quick explanation: I might not be able to post my Friday update tomorrow, so you all get an update a day early this week.)

"Okay," you mutter to yourself. "Dress, check. Shoes, check. Jewelry, check. Corsage, check. Boyfriend..."

You knock on Kai's bedroom door and say, louder, "Boyfriend..."

"Hold your horses, y/n! I'm almost ready!" Kai yells back.

"Oh, come on, Kai, even I got ready faster than you!"

Finally, Kai emerges from his room. He's wearing Jay's tuxedo again, with a red rose in the buttonhole. His hair doesn't look any different than usual, but it smells like Kai put a whole tube of hair gel on it—probably trying to get it to lay flat.

"Wow, y/n, you look beautiful," Kai says, blushing. 

You're wearing a floor-length, dark red dress and sparkly high heels with a gold necklace and earrings shaped like roses. The corsage you found is also rose-shaped and made of shiny gold fabric.

You nudge his arm. "Of course I do, silly; it's senior prom. And we're going to be late if we don't hurry."

"One more thing," Kai says.

You fold your arms and sigh in mock irritation. "What now?"

"First things first." Kai takes the corsage and puts it on your wrist.  "There, now we can go."

You roll your eyes. "Finally. If you'd held us up much longer, it would've been over before we got there."

You and Kai start down the stairs—and are surprised by Cole, Nya, and Jay, all carrying cameras. You blink and hold a hand up to shield your eyes from the camera flashes.

"What the heck?!" you demand.

"Prom pictures!" Cole says with a grin. 

Nya laughs. "You didn't think I'd let my brother take his girlfriend to the prom without getting his picture taken, did you?"

"Laugh it up," Kai mutters. "I'll get you guys for this when we get back."

You tug Kai's arm. "Are we going or not?"

"Yes, y/n, we're going, we're going,"

At the dance, you introduce Kai to b/f/n and her date, f/c/n. (Remember him?)

B/f/n wastes no time getting right in Kai's face. "You break y/n's heart again, I break you," she threatens. She still hasn't forgiven Kai for accidentally taking your CD.

"B/f/n, be nice," you tell her. "He apologized; what more do you want?" Behind you, Kai vanishes into the crowd, heading for the refreshments.

"I don't trust him," B/f/n replies. "Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, but boyfriends do."

"Just behave yourself, b/f/n," you sigh.

B/f/n scowls at Kai as he comes back with cups of punch for the two of you. "I'll behave if he behaves."

Just then, the principal steps up to the microphone and calls for quiet. When everyone's listening, he announces this year's Prom King and Queen. You clap politely, but you're really waiting for the next event on the agenda: dancing.

Finally, the speech is over, and the dancing begins. You grab Kai's hand and drag him toward the dance floor.

"Hey, wait y/n! You know I can't dance!" Kai protests.

"Better learn fast," you say with a grin. "I am not going to the prom with my boyfriend and not dancing with him."

Kai groans. "Fine. But I'm only doing this to make you happy."

Kai's not as bad as you thought he would be at first—after all, this is slow dancing, not the Dance-O-Tron arcade game he sucks at. He hasn't stepped on your toes for at least ten minutes when the DJ announces a spotlight dance.

"Uh, y/n?" Kai whispers as you maneuver him toward the center of the dance floor. "What's a spotlight dance?"

"Well," you whisper back with a grin on your face, "it's just like a normal dance, except if the spotlight lands on you—"

You interrupt yourself as the spotlight lands on you and Kai by demonstrating what happens. The two of you kiss, still slowly circling, until long after the spotlight moves on.

"—you have to kiss," you finish when you and Kai finally pull apart.

"I could get used to these formal events," Kai says with a grin.

You chuckle. "That's what I like about you, Hothead. You're always up for a challenge." 

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