You Ask Him Out

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You jump from foot to foot nervously. You can't believe you're about to do this.

"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this..." you whisper to yourself. You raise your hand to knock on the door—and drop it back to your side.

You sigh and moan to yourself, "I can't do it. Why did I agree to this? Arrgh! Why is this so hard?! You're supposed to be the brave one, y/n!"

You pace back and forth on the doorstep. "Come on, deep breaths. If b/f/n can do it, so can you."

You raise your hand again, but somebody opens the door before you can knock. Jay's standing there, with a huge grin on his face.

"Sorry to interrupt your pep talk, but everyone else is waiting for presents." Jay says. You blush as you step inside. You didn't realize somebody might be listening to you.

You glare at him. "If you tell anyone about that, I'll break your face."

Jay winks at you. "My lips are sealed. Kai! Your girlfriend is here!"

"Shut up, Jay!" Kai yells back. Someone bursts out laughing.

You follow Jay into the living room. Everyone else is sitting down around Kai, who has a heap of presents next to him.

"Finally!" Lloyd moans. "Now we can see what's in those presents!"

"And have cake!" Cole adds.

"Hey!" Kai protests. "Remember whose birthday it is! I'll open my presents when I'm good and ready!"

"Which is now, right?" you tease.

"Um...right," Kai says. Everyone else laughs.

You all watch as Kai opens his presents—candy from Lloyd, a new blacksmith hammer from Nya, a training sword from Cole, and some new kendo armor from Jay and Zane. Sensei Wu announces that everyone gets the day off from training. Finally, the others head out of the room to start on the cake.

Now it's just you and Kai. You take a deep breath and pull a small box wrapped in red paper and a (favorite color) ribbon out of your pocket.

"This is my present," you tell Kai. "I didn't want to give it to you in front of everyone else."

Kai tears off the paper and opens the box. He pulls out the note you put inside and reads it. It says:

Kai, Happy Birthday!

You're a hothead, a great fighter, and a cool ninja. I really enjoy spending time with you.

I want to ask you a question: will you go out with me?


Kai looks over at you. "Are you serious?" You nod.

For a minute, you're afraid that you've made a horrible mistake. Then Kai throws the note and box into the air and shouts "YES!!" He picks you up in a hug, spins you in a circle, and then puts you down and runs out of the room.

You stand still for a moment, then start jumping up and down. "He said yes! He said yes!" You keep doing a happy dance until Jay sticks his head into the room and announces that it's time for cake.

Zane lights 18 candles on Kai's birthday cake and you all sing "Happy Birthday."

"Make a wish, Hothead," you say once the song is over.

Kai closes his eyes for a second and then blows out the candles. "Done."

Later, Kai sits next to you with his piece of cake. "You know what, y/n?"

"What?" you ask through a mouthful of cake.

Kai smiles. "I already got my wish."

"Which was what?"

"I wished you would ask me out."

You roll your eyes and punch him on the arm. "Lazy. Won't even ask someone out by yourself..."

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