B/f/n's Birthday

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"Happy birthday, b/f/n!" you announce happily, leading your friend into the living room of the monastery. Thanks to the ninja, the place is decorated for a real birthday party, with balloons, streamers, a banner that says "Happy Birthday!" and a mountain of presents. The only thing that's missing is a cake, because you all know who would eat it if he found it. Zane has it hidden...somewhere.

"Happy birthday, b/f/n!" the ninja all shout, Lloyd loudest of all. Even after their date, he and b/f/n are still insisting that they're not a couple. You can't blame b/f/n for wanting to take things slowly after how her ex-boyfriend broke her heart, but it's obvious that it's only a matter of time.

B/f/n surveys the pile of presents carefully, trying to decide which one she wants to open first. Knowing her, that could take all day, so you decide to solve the problem early.

"Do mine first!" you pull your present off of the pile and hand it to b/f/n. It's a small box wrapped in her favorite kind of wrapping paper. She shakes it next to her ear and glares at you when it doesn't make any noise.

You grin. B/f/n loves to shake her presents, and you love padding the boxes so she can't guess what's inside. Looks like you won this round.

B/f/n peels the wrapping paper off and takes the lid off of the box. She pulls out the tissues you wadded up to keep the box from rattling and throws them at you, along with an annoyed look. You dodge them and hold back a laugh. Then she pulls out the present you got her, drops the box, and shrieks, "I love it, y/n!"

Your gift for b/f/n is a ring with a heart on the front and the words "Best Friend" engraved on the inside of the band. You had it custom-ordered just for her. B/f/n slips the ring onto her right hand and admires it happily.

"I was going to have them put 'Best Friend and Producer' on it, but there wasn't enough room," you tell her sheepishly

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"I was going to have them put 'Best Friend and Producer' on it, but there wasn't enough room," you tell her sheepishly.

"It's perfect!" b/f/n insists happily.

Lloyd hands b/f/n his present next. You jog Kai with your elbow and grin when they let their fingers touch for just a little longer than necessary and then pull away, blushing.

B/f/n unwraps Lloyd's present to find a fancy new pair of headphones to use with her recording equipment. After setting it down very, very carefully, she launches herself on top of Lloyd and gives him a huge hug. Lloyd staggers and flails his arms before catching himself and hugging b/f/n back.

You smile and nudge Kai with your elbow. "Do they remind you of anyone?" you whisper.

Kai chuckles and puts his arm around your waist. "Didn't I do this when you first asked me out?"

"Yep. Hard to believe it was almost a year and a half ago now."

"And now we're getting married. Speaking of which, we'll have to tell them at some point."

You make a face as you imagine how that's going to go. "You ruin everything. Can't we just elope?"

Kai snickers quietly while b/f/n and Lloyd finally break the hug as they realize that everyone else is watching them. "I thought I was the impulsive one here. And besides, what would Nya and b/f/n say if we got married and they weren't there to see it?"

"You ruin everything, Hedgehog."

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