Phase One

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"Lover-boy has landed, I repeat, lover-boy has landed," Kai voice crackles through your walkie-talkie. "I'm going in."

"Did we really have to do this?" you whisper into your own walkie-talkie. "Couldn't we have just texted or something?"

Kai sighs, which makes a loud crackle of static. "Well, yeah, but it's more fun this way!"

"More pain in the neck, you mean!" Jay says. "Aren't we going to be a little obvious if we're all running around whispering into these things?"

"It'll be fine." Kai sounds annoyed now. "Just be subtle."

"May I point out that Jay is not very good at being subtle?" Zane asks.

"Wow, thanks, Zane."

Kai sighs again. "Can you all please be quiet? He's coming down the stairs!"

"I thought you were going in," Cole says. From the sound of it, his mouth is full of cake.

"I am! Right now!" Kai says. "Kai out."

Kai has you all set up in strategic positions around the monastery, ready to execute the first step of his plan by quizzing Lloyd—whom Kai has code-named "Lover-boy"—about whether or not he likes b/f/n.

You check around to make sure b/f/n—a.k.a. Candy Crush—isn't nearby, then raise your walkie-talkie again. "You know, if we're really going to take this secret-agent thing all the way, we all need code names."

A series of startled noises crackles through the walkie-talkie, and then a chorus of "What?"

Once all the static dies down, you say, "No, really. If we're going to do this dumb walkie-talkie thing, let's take it all out. Code names for everybody!"

"Okay," Cole says, still sounding like his mouth is full. "I call being cake."

"More like a fruitcake," Jay says.

The rest of you laugh. "Okay, Cole is Fruitcake," you say. "Who's next?"

"Wait, what? No!" Cole protests, but nobody listens.

Zane coughs to get everyone's attention. "I think I would like to be—"

"Ooh, ice cream!" Cole says. Another chorus of laughter breaks out.

"Stay away from my ice cream, 'Fruitcake'," Zane says. "Or I will be forced to take drastic measures."

"Who knew Ice Cream loved his dessert so much?" you ask.

"Well, I'm calling myself Agent Zing!" Jay says. "Because that's what I do."

"Usually to himself," Kai says. 'What's going on, guys?"

Cole snickers. "Well, Kai, since you're so into this spy act, your teen heartthrob decided we should all have code names."

Kai sighs. "Okay, Heartthrob, what's my nickname? 'Hot topic?' 'Burning love?' 'Light of your life?'"

"Hedgehog," you say firmly.



"Will you please stop making fun of my hair?"

Everyone else laughs. "Nope," you say with a grin.

"This ice cream is awesome, Zane!" Cole says, interrupting the moment. "Where did you get it?"

Zane sighs. "Pardon me. I have something, or rather, someone to take care of. Ice Cream out."

"It probably will be by the time he gets to the kitchen!" Jay jokes. "Right? Anyone? Okay..."

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