Finding You

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Kai's POV

Okay. I need to get a grip. I know who took y/n, I just don't know where they took her. Come on, Kai, think! Where would the Stone Army try to hide out?

Would it be a cave? No, there aren't any caves nearby. I think.

Maybe they're hiding under the streets again...nah, too obvious.

What if they've hidden in y/n's old house? It's close, wait, that wouldn't work either. Someone would have noticed.

Man, I wish Zane was with me right now...he'd know the answer. He'd run everything through his computers and come up with the right place in nothing flat.

I need to think like Zane. Where's the most logical place for the Stone army to hide out?



Okay, so I can't think like Zane. Now what?

I'm still wondering what to do when the streetlight over my head goes out. It must be a bad lightbulb. I should probably head home anyway, to tell the other guys about what I found. Then we can all make a plan together. Still, I can't help but feel like I'm missing something important while I head back up the alleyway.

I finally realize what's really going on when I step out onto the main street and don't see any lights on. Anywhere.

Somebody knocked the power out.

From here, it looks like all of Ninjago City's gone dark. I may not know a whole lot, but one thing I do know is that there's only one power plant making power for the whole city. It never made sense to me to only have one power plant, but that's not my problem.

It may sound crazy, but I'm certain that y/n is the reason the power's out. It's just a gut feeling I have. The big power lines that bring electricity into the city aren't too far from where I am now. If y/n managed to cut them, I should be able to follow the power lines until I find her. It's somewhere to start, anyway.

I drop the stone warrior's armor and take off running. Y/n's near that power plant, I'm sure of it now. There's no time to wait for the others—I have to find her now, before it's too late.

"Hang on, y/n," I whisper to myself as I run along the sidewalks. "I'm coming. I'm going to save you, even if it's the last thing I do.

"I promise."

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