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"Okay, Kai, let's see your costume," you call, walking into the living room of the monastery. Kai made a bet with you yesterday that you wouldn't be able to recognize him in his costume. 

You come to a stop when you enter the kitchen and see the ninja wearing their regular gis. "Well...I was hoping for something more original."

"Not original?" Cole protests. "We worked hard on this!" the only problem is, Cole's voice is coming from behind you, while the black ninja is standing directly in front of you...

"Wait, you're all dressed as each other?" you demand incredulously. The ninja nod.

You facepalm. "Great. Just great. So, would you guys mind saying which one of you is Kai?"

Zane chuckles from behind you. "You will have to guess, y/n."

You glare at the red and white ninja, who are standing in front of you. "Fine. If you want, we can do this the hard way."

You step closer to the ninja in red and study him, trying to figure out who he is. "Okay...so...I know you're not Kai...and you don't have that stupid notched eyebrow, so you can't be Jay, either..."

"Hey!" Jay protests. You glance in the direction his voice came from and see the two ninja dressed in black and green standing in that corner of the room.

You pace around the room, studying each of them in turn and trying to ignore muffled snickers from the ninja.

Finally, you throw your hands up. "All right! I give up! Kai, where are you?"

"First admit that I'm smarter than you," Kai says.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "Fine. Kai is smarter than me...this time. I'll get you back for this, just you wait. Now, which one are you?"

A pair of arms wraps around you from behind. "Kind of lame, but I'll take it," Kai's voice says into your ear.

"Aha! There you are!" you pull free from Kai's hug and face him with your hands on your hips. "Why am I not surprised that you're dressed as Lloyd?"

"I'm the Green Ninja!" Kai announces proudly, flexing his biceps for good measure.

You stifle a giggle and roll your eyes. "How long have you been waiting to say that?"

"Longer than you think," Lloyd's voice volunteers. You spin around and try to catch him, but all you can tell is that Lloyd is wearing either white or blue.

You sigh. "Are you guys trying to be confusing?"

"Yes," the ninja chorus.

You facepalm again. This is going to be a long evening...

(For those of you who are interested, there's enough information in this scene to figure out which ninja is wearing what color {I tested this on my sister and she managed to solve it, so yes, I do know it works}. If you think you've solved my tricky mind puzzle, comment or PM your answer. I'll publish the solution in next week's update.

Over and out!)

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