Kai Knows You Too Well

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On top of the wedding plans, you've been staying up late into the night writing songs. Kai's proposal set off some kind of creative bomb in your brain, and song ideas are coming to you almost faster than you can write them. Because you're spending all day, every day planning your wedding, the only time you have to write music is at night.

You're sitting at your desk in one of the monastery's spare bedrooms (which is basically yours now) when you hear creaks coming down the hallway. You ignore it until your door opens and a rumpled Kai pokes his head into the room.

"Y/n, what are you doing still up?" he asks. Then he covers a huge yawn.

"I'm working," you tell him. "Why?"

Kai blinks at you. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

Actually, you don't. "It's eleven, right?"

Kai runs a hand through his hair. "It's two in the morning, y/n."

You glance at the clock, and sure enough, he's right. "Wow, I didn't even realize it was that late. It doesn't feel that late."

"Y/n, are you staying up this late every night?" Kai asks through another giant yawn.

"No..." you lie.

Kai frowns. "No wonder you've been so tired lately."

"I'm fine," you insist, covering a yawn. You guess yawns really are contagious, because you definitely aren't tired.

"Y/n, you have circles under your eyes," Kai says worriedly. "You really need to get more sleep. You'll burn yourself out if you keep this up. Come on, please, go to bed."

You shake your head and cover another yawn. "I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. Too many..." you yawn again "...ideas..."

Kai gently tugs you out of your chair and  steers you over to your bed. "Come on, y/n, get some sleep. We've got a busy day tomorrow, and you need rest."

You flop down on the bed without much complaint. Kai gently works the covers out from underneath you and tucks you in, then kisses your forehead. No sooner does he pull away than you tug him back in for a proper kiss.

"Good night, Kai," you murmur.

"'Night, y/n." Kai glances at the door, then mutters "Screw it," and flops down on top of the bed next to you. Within seconds, he's snoring softly.

The sound of Kai's snores is oddly soothing. Combined with the fact that he's essentially a human radiator (probably because of his elemental power), it isn't long before you find yourself being lulled to sleep.

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