He Visits You At School

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You yawn and look at the floor as you walk up the steps to your school building. Why are you even here? Your teachers are just reviewing what you already learned this year to get everyone ready for finals. And it's not like you really care about any of that stuff anyway.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a motorcycle revving. You turn around and see the last person you expected to see: Kai. He's wearing his red jacket with the hood pulled up and a pair of dark sunglasses. So far, it looks like nobody's recognized him, although quite a few girls are staring.

"Who's that guy?" a girl asks.

You grin. "He's my boyfriend."

She snickers. "Yeah, right. In what universe could a spaz like you get a boyfriend?" She waves at Kai as he heads up the steps toward you. "Hi there, hottie!"

Kai ignores her. "Sup, y/n?"

The girl frowns and tries to think of a way to get Kai's attention. "You know she has a crush on you, right?"

Kai raises his eyebrows. "I hope so, or this is about to get really awkward, seeing as she's my girlfriend."

You grin at the girl, who's standing there with a shocked look on her face. "Told ya."

"Hey, y/n, what do you say to skipping school today?" Kai asks.

You grin at him. "Actually, I have a better idea...why don't you come to school with me today?"

"Wait, what?" Kai asks incredulously. "Are you sure that's a good idea, y/n?"

You nod. "Sure. Just keep that hood and sunglasses on, and nobody will know you're not a student. The teachers don't even know half of the students here anyway. You'll blend right in."

Kai hesitates, then shrugs. "Sure, why not? I've never spent a day in high school before."

"Great! Come on!" you grab Kai's wrist and drag him through the front doors. "This is gonna be so cool!"

By the middle of first period math, Kai seems to be regretting his decision. "What's he talking about?" he whispers to you.

"The quadratic formula," you whisper back.

"And what the heck is the quadic formula?" Kai demands. "This is the most useless garbage I've ever heard!"

"Welcome to high school," you say with a grin. "I've been doing this for four years."

Kai groans and puts his head on his desk. "And people survive this? I'm not even sure I'm gonna make it through one day."

"Well, this is the worst class," you whisper back. "It gets a bit better after this."

Kai sighs. "How long until we get out of here?"

"Five minutes less than the last time you asked. Now be quiet. If the teacher catches us talking, we'll get detention." 

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Shout out to @The_Silver_Ninja29! You rock!)

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