The Announcement

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A few days later, everyone is gathered in the living room again, this time so that you and Kai can break the news about your engagement.

"Kai and I have something very important to tell you," you announce. "B/f/n, don't freak out."

"What is it?" Nya asks eagerly. She's bouncing in her seat, as if she can't wait to hear the news. It might also be to distract Kai from the fact that she's holding hands with Jay.

Kai takes a deep breath and clears his throat. "Well, you see, about a week ago, y/n and I were talking, and, uh..."

B/f/n narrows her eyes. "And, uh...?"

You step in and finish as quickly as you can, "Kai asked me to marry him and I said yes."

"I knew it!" Jay yells, leaping to his feet. "I so called it! Cole owes me twenty bucks!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Zaptrap," Cole replies, but he can't keep a huge grin off of his face. "Congratulations, you two! You'll have cake at the wedding, right?"

Kai rolls his eyes while you, Lloyd, and Jay laugh. B/f/n swats Cole's shoulder. Nya looks like she's going to explode or burst into tears from happiness. Zane makes a face, probably anticipating the headache of hiding the cake from Cole.

Jay is pounding on Kai's back. "I'm so proud of you, Kai! You're gonna marry y/n! Can I be your best man?"

Nya gently scoots Jay out of the way and hugs Kai with tears in her eyes. "I can't believe my big brother's getting married. This is incredible, Kai."

B/f/n scoots between Zane and Lloyd and marches toward you, probably so she can demand to know what the heck you think you're doing. You brace yourself, but are taken completely off guard when she grabs you in the biggest friend-hug you've ever had in your entire life.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me for a whole week," she says, still squeezing you hard enough to drive the air from your lungs. "I can't believe you kept such a huge secret from your best friend."

You hold up a hand and begin hesitantly, "B/f/n, I..."

She ignores you completely and continues, "I can't believe you're getting married. My baby y/n is all grown up and getting married. I can't believe it."

"Are...are you okay with this?" you whisper, partly because you don't want Kai to hear, and partly because you still can't breathe.

B/f/n lets go and takes a step back so she can give you and incredulous look. "Okay? I'm your best friend! Of course I'm okay with it! You love a guy, and now you're going to marry him!"

"But...I thought you didn't like Kai," you point out hesitantly.

"Well, um, maybe, yeah," b/f/n waves a hand. "But what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't happy for you?"

You give her a relieved smile. "Well, that's good, because I'm going to need a maid of honor."

B/f/n claps her hands excitedly. "Really?"

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