Dang It, Kai

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Kai finally wakes up hours later, after sleeping like a rock all afternoon. It's not a bad thing, actually-he's pretty cute when he's sleeping, even if he is sick.

You're on the verge of dozing off yourself when you hear sleepy mumbling from Kai's bed. You sit up straight in your chair and lean forward to see if he looks any better.

Kai's eyes open for a moment. Then he squints against the light, closes them, and puts his pillow over his head. "Hey, y/n," he yawns. "What's up?"

You giggle. "Well, Mr. 'I'm Not Sick,' you fell asleep on the floor, so Lloyd, b/f/n, and I carried you up to bed."

There's a muffled groan from under the pillow. "I feel terrible."

"Your fever's gone down," you say, reaching under the pillow so you can feel Kai's forehead. "That's good."

"Does that mean I can get up now?" Kai asks hopefully.

"Not a chance. Just because your fever's down doesn't mean you're all better," you reply. As if to prove your point, Kai sneezes loudly, and suddenly the blanket is on fire.

"Fire!" you yell. "Fire!"

Zane walks into the room, calmly puts the fire out with a blast of his elemental power, and walks out.

You stare at the door, then at Kai. "Why do I get the feeling that happens a lot?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kai mutters stubbornly.

"Uh-huh," you shoot back skeptically. "Here, I made you some soup. Well, Zane made you some soup. But I helped!"

"Soup?! Where?" Kai shoots upright, then winces and falls back against his pillow. "Ow, ow, ow, ow. Headache. Ow ow."

You hold back a sigh. "Here you go, Hothead." Kai takes the bowl of soup from you and starts wolfing it down.

B/f/n chooses that moment to walk into the room. "Hey, y/n, I was wondering if-oh. Never mind, it can wait."

Kai's mouth is full of soup, so you ask, "What's up, b/f/n?"

"Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to help Lloyd and me with something, but since the dork's awake, never mind."

"Kai's awake?" Lloyd asks, poking his head into the room. "All right!"

You wave your hands for attention. "He's still sick!"

Lloyd's face falls a bit. "Oh. We were just wondering if you guys wanted to play a game with us, but if Kai's still sick, I guess it can wait."

"Don't let me stop you," Kai says sleepily. "You two go ahead and have fun. And just kiss already while you're at it."

"Kai!" You whisper furiously. You pretend to be feeling his forehead again as an excuse to lean closer to his ear. "What are you doing?"

"I...b-but...um, are you sure-I mean, are you crazy, there's no way...Wait, what?!" Lloyd splutters. B/f/n isn't any better.

Kai somehow manages to pull off an eye roll with his eyes closed. "Oh, come on, it's obvious that you two are into each other. We've been trying to set you up for weeks."

You clamp a hand over his mouth before he can make the situation any worse. "Aaah! He's got no idea what he's saying. I think it's the fever talking. You know how people who are sleepy and sick get, right? ...You guys don't believe me at all, do you?"

Lloyd's face is a darker shade of red than Kai's gi. You're pretty sure he has no idea how to handle the situation. B/f/n, on the other hand, is already getting past her embarrassment and moving on to anger.

You're dead. You are so dead.

"Can we have some privacy please, Lloyd?" b/f/n asks sweetly. "Y/n and I need to have a talk."

You're genuinely afraid for your life right now.

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