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If you thought planning a wedding was hectic, you obviously knew nothing. The wedding day itself is turning into the biggest headache you've ever had. With all the time you spend around the ninja, that says a lot.

"B/f/n, we're not gonna make it!" you panic.

B/f/n doesn't even look up from the clipboard she's holding. "Yes we will, y/n, so shut up and get into your dress already."

You still don't think everything is going to be ready in time, but you grab your dress and slip into a bathroom stall to change. You and Kai decided to get married in a small chapel near the monastery to avoid media attention, and b/f/n has commandeered one of the bathrooms to get you ready and keep anyone else from wandering in.

B/f/n runs down her clipboard, checking off items one by one. "Chairs, snacks, marriage license, priest, confetti—"

You pop out of the stall and wave your hands. "Whoa, whoa! I thought we agreed no confetti!"

Now b/f/n looks up. "At the wedding," she replies with a smirk. "The confetti is for the reception."

You stare at her for another long moment and throw your hands up in defeat.

Maybe it's time to change the subject. "Where's everyone else, anyway?" you ask.

"Lloyd and Nya are getting Kai ready, Zane and Jay are making sure the chapel isn't a pigsty, and Cole's scaring off some reporters who tried to gate-crash," b/f/n replies. "Some weird guy claiming to be the 'Brown Ninja' showed up and tried to scare them off by making animal noises first, but that obviously didn't work. Any idea who he is?"

"That's probably Dareth," you reply, suppressing a laugh. "Nya mentioned him once."

"Let's see, cake, rings, hair, makeup, dresses, flowers almost ready to go, big—crap! We forgot the big four!"

"The what?"

B/f/n tosses her clipboard on the counter. "You know, the old wedding tradition: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Let's see, your dress is new, so that's covered. You're wearing the necklace Kai gave you, which is technically old, and I have a blue ribbon I can tie around your wrist or something. That means we just need something borrowed."

"Where did you get a ribbon?" you ask.

"I saved it from the bridal shower." B/f/n grins and pulls the slim ribbon out of her pocket. Within seconds, she has it tied around your wrist in a neat bow. "I had a feeling it would come in handy."

"So now I just need something borrowed," you sum up. "But who am I gonna borrow something from? The ceremony starts in ten minutes!"

B/f/n's face lights up. "I've got it!" She slips the ring you gave her for her birthday off of her finger and slides it onto your right hand. "There, something borrowed from your best friend."

You give b/f/n a huge hug. "Thank you so much, b/f/n. I couldn't have done this without you."

B/f/n takes a step back and admires her handiwork. "You look beautiful, y/n. And if Kai doesn't think so, I'll punch his lights out."

"Thanks for the um, violent encouragement," you reply. "I'm really, really happy you're my friend, b/f/n..."

Tears of gratitude start filling your eyes. Fortunately, b/f/n sees them and hands you a tissue. "Nu-uh! No crying allowed until after the ceremony, y/n!"

A crash comes from somewhere outside. B/f/n sighs and picks her clipboard back up. "I'd better go see what that was and who I need to punish. Don't go anywhere until I come get you for the ceremony, got it?"

"Got it." You keep dabbing at your eyes, trying not to smudge your makeup, while b/f/n slips out the door to wreak havoc on whoever broke something.

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