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"This is it, y/n!" b/f/n says excitedly. "We're gonna graduate from high school!"

"I know!" you squeal. "After four years, we are finally out of here!"

"Hey, y/n!" a voice calls from behind you. 

"Kai!" you say with a grin.

Kai grins back. "I'm really proud of you, y/n! You survived the worst torture ever invented!"

You nudge his shoulder. "No thanks to you, you dork."

Kai raises an eyebrow. "That's how you want to play this? You're the one in some sort of monk outfit."

"It's a graduation cap and gown! I have to wear it!"

"It still looks weird."

"Is this payback for always teasing you about your hair?"

"Leave my hair out of this! And yes, it is!"

B/f/n shoves Kai toward the audience seating. "Okay, yeah, whatever. We've gotta get lined up. So scram, spike-head."

Kai holds up his hands. "Okay, okay, I'm going! Sheesh!"

You glance at b/f/n as Kai moves away through the crowd. "You could try being nice to him, you know." The two of you turn and start making your way to your places in line, where you'll wait until you're called to get your diplomas.

B/f/n scowls. "The day I trust him will be the day the Golden Ninja asks me to be his girlfriend."

"It could happen, you know," you say with a grin. "I could introduce you if you want."

"That was a figure of speech and you know it, y/n," b/f/n says with a scowl. "I have a boyfriend who I like just fine, thank you very much."

You can't reply because at that moment the music starts and the principal starts calling students up to the stage to get their diplomas. You shift and fidget until your name is called.

"Y/n l/n," the principal calls. You climb the steps to the stage, trying not to trip over the long graduation gown you're wearing. That would be embarrassing.

The principal hands you your diploma. "Congratulations, Miss l/n," he says with a smile.

"Yeah, y/n!" Kai whoops from the audience. "You rock!"

The principal chuckles and whispers, "I see you brought your boyfriend again. Take care of him—my daughter would give anything to be in your shoes." You had a lot of explaining to do after you brought Kai to school and accidentally started a fangirl riot. The principal thought it was hilarious. Your teacher was less amused.

"I will," you say with a grin. "Nothing's happening to him on my watch."

The principal chuckles again and you walk off the other side of the stage with your diploma in your hand and a huge grin on your face. 

Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--KaiWhere stories live. Discover now