He Encourages Your Dream

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You’re hanging out at the monastery. Lloyd challenged you to a round of (favorite video game). The other ninja are watching and cheering you on when Kai runs into the room, waving a CD.

“Guys!” he yells. “You have to hear this!”

Lloyd pauses the game and glares at Kai. “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something important?”

“Hear what?” Jay demands.

“Just listen!” Kai pops the CD into the stereo in the corner and cranks the volume up. (Your favorite type) music starts blasting through the room.

“Whoa!” Cole stands up. “That’s really cool. Where’d you get this?”

Kai shrugs. “Y/n accidentally left it here last time she visited. I didn’t even remember it until just now.”

You roll your eyes. “And instead of returning it, you decided to listen to it?”

“Well, yeah!” Kai says. “It’s awesome! What band is this?”

“Umm…” you trail off and start looking for a way out of the room. You really don’t want to answer that question.

Jay walks over to the stereo and hits the fast-forward button a few times. “What else is on here?”

“Hey, wait, don’t do that!” You lunge toward the stereo. Jay picks a song, and a voice blares through the speakers—your voice. Your face slowly turns red, and you facepalm and look at the floor. You’re acutely aware that the ninja are all staring at you.

“Wait,” Kai says. “You wrote this?”

You nod and stare at the floor.

“The whole thing?”

You nod again.

Kai gently cups your chin in his hand and looks into your eyes. “That’s really cool, y/n.  I know I couldn’t do anything like that.”

You smile at him. “Well, we all knew that.”

Cole, Jay, and Lloyd burst out laughing. Kai rolls his eyes. “Touché.”

“Uh-oh,” Jay says. “Time to leave the room.”

“Shut up, Jay,” you both snap. Jay raises his hands and backs away.

“So…” Kai asks. “How did you record this, anyway?”

You grin at him. “My school has a small recording studio. Let’s just say that sometimes I…borrow it after hours.”

“You broke into your own school?” Kai laughs and shakes his head. “You, y/n, are hardcore.”

“I didn’t really break in!” you protest. “One of the teachers always leaves a window open, so I climbed in through there.”

Kai grins at you. “Still pretty hardcore. So...are you planning on going into music?”

“Yeah,” you admit. “My friend plans to open a record company once we graduate high school. We’re going to kick off her business by releasing that CD you swiped.”

“Well, I’ll be the first one in line to buy a copy,” Kai promises. “Unless I can score one for free, being you boyfriend and all…”

You grin at him. “We’ll see. Maybe for Christmas. Or your birthday.”

“But I can’t wait that long!” Kai protests. “Too…awesome…must…have…music…”

You laugh. “I’ll see what I can do.”

(Big day, guys!


And, to celebrate this special occasion, I’m publishing the first installment of a new book titled (drumroll, please…) Ninjago Perfect Match Bonus Scenes! While it’s not essential reading, it’s going to be loaded with extra scenes, author Q&A’s, and maybe even a few spoilers. I’ll explain more in the book itself, if you’re interested.

Oh, and shout-out to _oceanicflare_ for being follower number 100! You rock!)

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