Someone Crashes the Wrong Party

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Your bridal shower is all ready to go. Nya and b/f/n are there, of course. A few friends you made back in school are also invited, bringing the party up to just over half a dozen people.

After a lot of laughter and some good-natured teasing from your other friends about you settling down and getting married, you sit down on the couch and get ready to open presents. B/f/n is just about to hand you a box tied with a blue ribbon when you hear banging and crashing coming from the front of the monastery.

"What's that?" you ask, standing up. Nya and b/f/n follow suit, an instant before a crowd of at least twenty cameramen and microphone-waving journalists burst into the room. The minute they spot you, they stampede in your direction, all shouting over each other and jockeying for a better spot.

"Y/n! Is it true that you're marrying one of the ninja?"

"Do you have any plans for a honeymoon?"

"How do you intend to balance work and your married life?"

"Are you planning on having children?"

"Is this going to affect your songwriting career?"

You take a step backward, hit the edge of the couch, and collapse back into your seat. There are suddenly a lot of people in your personal space, which is not okay. You look around, desperately searching for a way out.

"Get out, hooligans!" b/f/n yells. She grabs a pillow off the couch and starts hitting the nearest cameraman with it. "Go away! Begone! Shoo!"

"B/f/n, stop," you say while trying not to laugh. "I think they get the message."

If b/f/n hears you, she doesn't show it. "Out! Leave! Flee! Scram! Desist!"

By now, the crowd of reporters is backing towards the door in their attempts to escape b/f/n and her Pillow of Doom. Nya finally gets her laughter under control and gets up to help b/f/n herd the gaggle of uninvited guests out the door.

"Are you sure you won't do an interview?" one of them calls to you. "We can set up lighting and makeup if that's the problem—"

"You're gonna need makeup when I rearrange your face if you come back in here!" Nya threatens, hustling the man through the doorway. B/f/n helps him on his way with a swift kick to the rear, then resumes laying waste to the group of reporters with her pillow.

Nobody else seems to want to stick around after that, and within minutes, the room is empty of cameramen and journalists. B/f/n yells "And stay out!" and slams the door. Nya gives her a high-five.

One of your friends slides across the couch until she's sitting next to you and shows you a video she took on her phone of b/f/n wreaking havoc among the reporters. You giggle quietly and ask her to send it to you later.

B/f/n drops her pillow back onto the couch, dusts her hands off, and sits down. "So, where were we?"

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