Escape Attempt

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(Hello! Yes, as promised, I am back! Happy reading, Wattpadians!)

"Who said I need Kai's help to get out of here?" you ask. Without waiting for your dad to answer, you raise your feet (which aren't tied down) and use them to shove your dad's chair over backwards. He crashes to the floor and lies there, out cold.

You immediately start wiggling around until you can reach your pocketknife. It's a good thing you keep it in your back pocket and not your bag. After a few tries (and one close call where you almost drop it on the floor) you manage to pull it out and unfold it.

"I'm going to have to thank b/f/n," you mutter, sawing at the ropes around your wrists.

Kai's POV

I sent b/f/n to spend the night at the monastery. The guys will take care of her, and I want to keep looking for y/n. I've only got two days to find her before something horrible happens, so I can't waste a single second.

I start by checking the spot where b/f/n found y/n's bag. Her father couldn't have done this alone-y/n may not look dangerous, but you don't want to mess with her in a fight. He had to have help.

At first, I don't find anything. I'm about ready to give up when I come across a piece of armor hidden in the shadows. One of y/n's kidnappers might have dropped it on accident and left it behind. It looks kind of familiar. Where have I seen that style of armor before?

I carry the armor into the glow of a nearby streetlight to get a better look, which confirms my worst fears. This definitely belongs to a stone warrior. But why would the Stone Army want to kidnap y/n unless...

...unless they know she's my girlfriend. Her father must have agreed to let them use her to trap me and my friends. I lean against the pole holding the street light and feel more tears streaming down my face. I can't stop them this time, and soon I'm shaking with sobs.

I'm so stupid! There are tons of people out there who hate us-I should have realized that they might try using y/n as bait! I should have given her a tracking device she could use in an emergency, or taught her to fight, or-or something! But I didn't, and now y/n's in danger. And so are all my friends.

And it's all my fault.

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