A/N - 10K!!

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Hello all you beautiful nifflers!!

Just wanted to come here and say a BIG thank you.
To all of you cuties who read (and still read) my story.
It means a lot to me to know that some people in this planet actually like (or at least read) what I write. It's an amazing feeling, really, you should try it.

I want you to know that I love you all and that I'm SO, SO grateful for your support. That knowing fans - like me - enjoy my work absolutely warms my heart.

And so I thank you all again for being there and being you and being TOTALLY AWESOME.

And remember that today might actually be a good day. Because at least you're you. And that's enough.

Stay home, wear a mask, stay safe and may the Force be with you always.

luv y'all, you're totally awesome!


~luna 💙

The Daughter of the Murderer - BOOK 1 - *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now