Chapter 13 - Rebuilt Friendship

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"Jupiter wake up..." says a lazy voice "C'mon, Wood wants us there early".

What? What time is it? (A/N: SHOWTIME! Okay... enough of musical references... jk, I'll never stop). I look at the clock. '4:30AM'. SERIOUSLY?!

"C'mon Jupe... we've got to go..." says the voice again. It's George.

"Fine... I'm up..." I say getting up and lazily walking to the bathroom.


"Why does he make us wake up at 4:30?! 4:30!" says Angelina while we walk to the Pitch.

"We're having trials today!" says an excited voice. Who, in Merlin's name, would be excited for Quidditch trials at 5 in the morning? Yes, you're right, Oliver Wood.

"And we have to wake up before the sunrise because of that?!" asks Fred, still a bit sleepy.

"Yes, because I want everything to be perfect" says Oliver "Now, where's Potter? There can't be a missing team member during tryouts!".

We all look around. No sign of Harry.

"Oh, you're right, Harry's so late!" begins Fred.

"Yeah, I'm sure he won't have enough time to even get to the Pitch!" continues George.

"He only has 4 hours before the trials begin!" says Fred, faking an outraged look.

"He definitely won't be able to make it in time!" finishes George, pretending to faint.

"Someone should go see where he is" says Oliver, starting to get annoyed "Who wants to go?".

"I'll go. Wait for me" I say, running back to the castle.

Approaching the Fat Lady, I say "Caput Draconis".

She lets me in, and, just as I get inside the room, I see Harry coming out of his dormitory.

"Oh, hi. I'm I late?" he asks.

"No. I mean, you are in Oliver's eyes" I say, smiling a bit.

He smiles slightly.

"Let's go, I don't want Wood to be mad at me" I say, motioning for him to follow me.

We walk through the castle without talking.

"It's okay" he says suddenly.

"Hm?" I say, confused.

"It's okay".

"What's okay?".

"Sirius Black. It's okay that he's in prison".

'No, it's not' I think.

"I mean, not that he is in prison. I mean, just because he's a criminal it doesn't mean that you're one too. So, I guess we could be friends again" he says.

"Oh! Really?" I say, shocked.

He nods. I smile down at him. He returns the smile.

"Also, Ron told me you're really good at Transfiguration" he says. I give him a questioning look "Ron and I, we don't understand any of that stuff and we're not in the mood to ask Hermione, so... since we don't want to fail that class...".

"Yeah, I'll help ya" I say, chuckling "But now we better hurry if we don't want Oliver to kill us".


"Finally!" says Wood as we, finally, arrive "Now, we have to put some things in their place for the trials".

We finish all the stuff we needed to do ten minutes before the tryouts begin.

"Well, guess waking up 4 hours before the trials isn't as insane as it looks..." says Fred.

The people start arriving and we begin the trials.

"So, this year we only have space for one person" begins Oliver "A Chaser".

We ask them to do some stuff, and then each of them shows how well they play. No one was able to score except for one girl; Katie Bell, second year.

"Thank you for trying out for the Team, we really appreciate it" Angelina tells the students "Now, we're going to choose who we want. We'll be back".

We went to that little tent and sat around a table.

"I guess we all know the answer, right?" say the twins.

"Yeah, there was only one decent person this year" says Oliver.

"The others were good too" I say "They're just not... good enough?".

Moony always told me to see the best in people. Except in some certain cases, where we have to understand that someone isn't good.

We leave the tent and approach the students.

"We've made our decision" begins Oliver "We want Bell".

A girl with light skin, brown hair, and brown eyes walked to us, smiling widely.

As usual, even though they didn't make the cut, everyone cheered as loudly as they could.

A/N: hey guys! hope y'all liked the chapter! i don't really know what to write, so i'm so sorry if the chapters suck...

luv yaaaaa

~luna loveniffler 💙

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