Chapter 26 - A Summary Of The Rest Of The Year

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Those guys really seem to like getting in trouble. Harry, Ron, and Hermione decided to go further with the 'Draco is the Heir of Slytherin' plan, found out he was actually not the Heir of Slytherin. I helped making the Polyjuice Potion though... Harry transfigured into Goyle, Ron into Crabbe, and Hermione into... well... she was supposed to be Millicent Bulstrode, but she stole a cat hair instead, and transfigured into a... cat-like person... But she's fine now, don't worry.

Also, some Muggle-Born students appeared Petrified all over the castle. Justin Finch-Fletchley (from the Hufflepuffs), Penelope Clearwater (from the Ravenclaws), Colin Creevey (from the Gryffindors), Hermione, yes, Hermione got Petrified, and even Sir Nicholas. I know, weird, he's a ghost, but yeah, he was Petrified. All of them are alright now, by the way.

Some days after, the 'Heir' left another message on a wall, saying there was a student stuck into the Chamber. Guess who it was? Ginny. Ginny Weasley. We went crazy. Dumbledore himself owled Mrs and Mr Weasley. They also went crazy; more than us. but, our true heroes, the 'Golden Trio' that's how we call them now, saved Hogwarts. Hermione found what was the monster hidden within it, and Ron and Harry found the way to the Chamber. They took 'Professor' Lockhart with them, who, as usual, didn't help with anything and only made things worse; he lost his own memory this time. They told me the entrance to the actual Chamber got blocked with the Memory Charm Lockhart casted with Ron's broken wand, so Ron and Lockhart couldn't get to the other side. But Harry could, so he went there alone.

Turns out, the Heir was a memory. A not so simple memory. A 17-year-old preserved memory of a boy named Tom Riddle, who was actually Voldemort. It was preserved in his diary, which Ginny probably found and got possessed by. It made her write all those things on the walls and stuff, but she doesn't remember anything about it; Dumbledore says it's 'normal when someone gets possessed', as if getting possessed by Voldemort was a normal thing.

The one Petrifying Muggle-Borns was a Basilisk; that's an enormous serpent. Harry killed it with the Sword of Gryffindor, yes, the Sword of Gryffindor. He told us Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, flew to the Chamber with the Sorting Hat in its beak. The Hat had the Sword inside of it, so Harry took it and killed the creature.

Now the End-of-Year Feast is over and guess what? We won! Again! Yay Gryffindor (A/N: here's something I never really thought of saying... or writing, in this case)!

Well, I hope next year goes a bit less... scary? At least I hope there's no three-headed dogs, or giant snakes, or secrets chambers, or whatever. Also, I hope no one dies...

Next year will be Oliver's last one at Hogwarts, so I'm sure we'll have to train a lot more than usual. It's okay though... it'll be his last year, and he deserves to, at least, win the damn Quidditch Cup.

And I hope we'll have a new DADA teacher. Lockhart is a fraud and he only makes everything worse. Like that time he released some angry Erklings and made us lock them up in their cages while he ran away. Jerk.

Well, I guess that's all. It was a rather good year, after all. Apart from the Chamber and Ginny being possessed. But, yeah, it was good.

We're going home tomorrow early in the morning, so we're already in the dorms, ready to fall asleep on top of those cosy sheets. But I can't seem to get sleepy... So I force myself out of bed and walk towards the window. It is slightly open, and the cold night breeze enters the room. I try not to disturb a lot while opening the window a bit more. I look at the sky: there it is; Sirius A, ready to fill my mind with preoccupation. Still, I can't do anything about it. I can't just fly to the Minister's office and magically make him understand that Dad is not a criminal. So, the best that I can do is face the facts, and try to stay calm. The best I can do is go back to bed and wait for the sleepiness to hit me.

The best I can do is... realise that I'll probably never se my father again... and do something impossible, like... get over it.

A/N: hey nifflersssss! how are you doing? hope you enjoyed the chapter!

ya know what? school starts today! yay me! i only have school in the afternoon (which is even worse), so i found some time (like, the whole morning) to write. but, i probably won't be able to do so when i start having homework and tests and that stuff. i hate that.

anyways, i'm watching percy jackson now, while i write. yes, i like the movies. i haven't read the books though; i have to finish harry potter so i can read percy jackson. and yes, i haven't finished harry potter yet, but i'm in deathly hallows, so yeah...


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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