Chapter 17 - Friends And Fireworks On A Christmas Day

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"Wake up, Jupiter!" says someone.

I look at the clock. '8:00'. Why do people keep waking me up early?!

"JUPITER!" yells the voice again. "IT'S CHRISTMAS!".


I sit up, and look at the person who's yelling at me. It's Angelina. Usually the twins are the ones waking me up loudly... I never understood how they got to our dorms. Maybe they climbed up the slide...? I don't know...

"C'mon, get up! The guys are still asleep, I want to wake them up myself!".

I quickly get dressed and get out of the dorm.

In the Common Room, Katie is already waiting for us. Since the girls don't need permission to get inside the boys' dorms, we just open the door quietly and get inside. They're all asleep.

Katie gives each of us a cup and mutters "Aguamenti". They're immediately filled with water. She approaches Lee and puts a finger to her mouth, signalling for us to stay quiet. I walk to George's bed and Angie walks to Fred's.

"One..." starts Angie, "two... three".

And we drop the cold water onto their sleeping faces.

They make a sound that's like a mixture between a scream and a groan, and sit up straight.

"Merlin's beard!" says George.

"Oh, what the heck was that?!" Lee groans.

Fred is just speechless.

We run out of the dorm and wait for them to go after us so we can wake up Oliver. We get to the Common Room and sit on the sofa.

"Happy Christmas ladies" says someone behind us.

Unfortunately, Oliver was already awake, and was standing behind us, wearing one of those ugly Christmas jumpers.

"Happy Christmas Captain!" we reply, grinning. He hugs us all at the same time, and we await the boys' arrival.

They come after some minutes; evil smirks plastered on their faces.

Uh oh.

Even though, nothing happens. At least, it didn't happen while we were opening our presents. When we finished opening everything, the floor was covered in destroyed wrappers, our bodies were warm thanks to the Weasley jumpers Mrs Weasley had given us, and out hearts were as happy as they could be.

After the enormous breakfast in the Great Hall, we went to the Pitch. It was now covered in snow, and there were small Christmas trees placed around it. Each tree was ornamented with the different House's colours.

I thought Oliver was going to make us play Quidditch, since we were on the Pitch, but, before he could say anything, the rest of the boys dragged us to one of the stands and Summoned a small wooden box.

They took out some stuff that looked like Zonko's products, but more colourful. This might be fun... They tossed some colourful balls in the air; they went up, almost touching the clouds, and exploded in fluorescent fireworks.

"Whoohooooooo" say the twins.

I think the fireworks were visible from the castle, because crowds of students and teachers came to the Pitch some moments after the first explosion. I saw a look of pure pride on McGonagall's face when she saw us throwing the rest of the balls into the air.

This is a real Christmas celebration. Snow, fireworks, and... the best friends in the universe.

Merlin, what did I do to get this...?

A/N: hello everyone! hope u liked the chapter! i don't really know what to say, so... yeah

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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