Chapter 36 - A Smile As Shiny As A Star

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"Let's take him out, then" says Moony, walking to Pettigrew. Ropes fly out of his wand and tie up Pettigrew.

"If you transform yourself, Pete," says Dad, "we'll kill you. Agreed, guys?" he asks us, receiving a nod.

Remus tries to help out Ron with his leg.

"And what about Professor Snape?" Hermione asks, looking at the teacher still lying on the floor.

"We can do something when we're safe in the castle" Moon says, "We'll transport him there like this; Mobilicorpus".

Snape's body floats a few centimeters from the ground, his head hanging down.

We leave the room, led by Crookshanks, his fluffy ginger tail dancing in the air. Behind him, Remus and Ron handcuffed to Pettigrew, then Dad with Snape's wand pointed at the teacher, who's still passed out and still floating, his feet hitting the stairs, then me, making sure Snape's head doesn't hit the stairs (not that I mind though... we just can't afford that he wakes up), and behind, Harry and Hermione, just walking.

We get out there; it's already nighttime. I didn't realize all this took so long...

"Hey, Jupe, Harry?" Dad calls.

Harry and I look at each other and follow him.

Dad seems nervous, so I put a hand to his arm and say, "You'll be free, ya know? If we give Pettigrew to the Dementors, you'll be free!".

He gives me a weak smile and says, "I know, I know..." his smile grows, "That's what I wanted to talk about with you two".

He takes a deep breath.

"Harry," he says, looking at Harry, "I don't know if you know this, but... I'm your godfather..."

"Yes, Jupiter told me..." Harry replies.

Dad smiles a bit more.

"So, now I kind of have the duty to protect you..." he begins, "And I understand if you don't fully trust me, Harry. Also... I understand if you prefer to stay with your aunt and uncle than with us, but-"

"I would rather stay anywhere than with my aunt and uncle" Harry affirms.

"Does that mean...?" Dad asks.

"Hell yeah" says Harry, his voice almost as low as a whisper, "You have a house? When can I move there?"

"Jupiter?" Dad looks at me, "We could try to make something out of the... old House of Black and..."

"And Moony and I will be there to help" I finish, "And Harry too, I hope"

Harry gives a slight nod and a small smile.

Dad is now grinning like he used to before Azkaban. Like in the old photos Moony shows me. He seems young again. As if he hadn't been surrounded by Dark creatures ready to suck his soul for 12 years.

He pulls Harry and I in a bone-crashing hug, making a single tear escape my eye.

I look at the sky; Sirius A, as shiny as usual.

A/N: helloooooo my nifflerssss! how are y'all doin'?? hopw ya liked this chapter!!

i don't really know what to say, but... there's something kinda interesting that i decided to put in the next chapter...


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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