Chapter 23 - Some Quidditch Issues

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This year we have a full Quidditch team. Which means, we don't need to do trials. Which means, Oliver will make us start practises early than usual.

"This year," he begins while we're walking to the Pitch, "we're gonna train earlier, harder, and longer" he looks at a group of people who seem to be heading to the Pitch too. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" he mutters between greeted teeth.

Looking at the group of people, I see they are, very unfortunately, the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Great.

"Flint!" calls Oliver, angered. Flint looks at us, trying to put on a surprised look, "Where do you think you're going? We booked the field for Gryffindor today".

"Easy there, Wood..." replies Flint, taking a roll of parchment out of his cloak, "I got a note".

Oliver takes the 'note' from his hand not taking his eyes off Flint's. He finally gives in and reads the note out loud.

"'I, Professor Severus Snape, authorize the Slytherin Quidditch Team to use the Quidditch Pitch for training of the new Seeker'" Oliver looks up from the parchment, his eyes shooting daggers, like they always do when he's deprived from Quidditch. "You have a new Seeker? Who?".

Flint moves away to shows us that the 'new Seeker' was, none other than Draco Malfoy, who gave us one of those 'I'm better than you' looks.

"Malfoy?!" says Harry suddenly "You're the new Seeker?!".

"Yeah, that's right" he replies, "And I'm not the only new thing".

All the team showed us their new Nimbus 2001.

"A present from Draco's father" says Flint, proudly showing off his new broom.

"Yes, because, unlike you," begins Draco, and I know there's some insult coming, as usual "my father can afford good things" he shoots an evil look at the twins "And, unlike you, he's not dead" he's eyes look into Harry's "or in jail" he looks at me.

I'm ready to hex him, but Oliver puts a hand on my shoulder, as is reading my mind. He's about to say something but Hermione beats him at it, just as she arrives with Ron.

It didn't end up well at all. Hermione was called a 'M*dblood', Ron ran away vomiting slugs, we didn't get to practise and now Oliver is pretty (we know he is...) upset for that.


"Why do they always win?!" asks Oliver, pouting.

"Oh, is baby Ollie throwing a tantrum?" asks Fred with a baby voice.

"Shut up, Fred!" says Angie, making Fred immediately quiet down, "You know he takes Quidditch very seriously".

"Yeah," replies George, "I think we've figured that out...".

Angelina shots him a death glare.

"You know we love you, Woody" say the twins in harmony as they engulf Oliver in a tight hug.

I see Oliver smile a bit, though it fades when he becomes breathless.

The twins let him go and he takes a deep breath.

"We have to win this Cup too" he says, "I won't let those disgusting Quaffles win a match on my watch".

"Just don't kill anyone..." comments Katie.

"I can't promise anything" replies Oliver, looking determined.

"Yes, you can!" I say, "We're not killing people, okay?".

"Fine, but we can hit them with a Bludger, right?" he asks, making an innocent lost puppy face.

"Yes," I say, while Oliver shows a winning face. "if," he's smile fades a bit, "we are in a match. Only during a match".


"Seriously, when did you become a maniac?" asks Katie.

"Whenever the Slytherin Team tries to be better than us," begins Lee.

"Or when they win a match," continues Fred.

"Or even when a match is near" completes George.

Oliver rolls his eyes and we laugh.

"Well, you don't have to worry much about how to win games," says Fred.

"When you got Harry Potter on your team!" finishes George.

Harry smiles shyly in the background.

"I know," says Oliver, nodding his head, "but still... we need to practise a lot. We can't underestimate any team... Not even the Hufflepuffs" he adds, looking at the twins. "And I'm not letting those... cheating serpents win another match!".

"Yeah, you already told us that..." mutters Lee.

"More than a thousand times..." adds Katie.

"It's just..." begins Oliver, looking a bit emotional, "I really love Quidditch!"

A/N: hey everyoneeeee! hope you're all doing well, and hope you all liked this chapter!

i'm watching the philosopher's stone now... to see if i can get more inspired... I DON'T WANT TO HAVE WRITER'S BLOCK!


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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