Chapter 38 - The Ministry And Its Stubborn Leader

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(please read! the correct name of the chapter is "Chapter XXXVIII - The Ministry And Its Subborn Leader, Who Can't Seem To Understand That My Father Is Not A Criminal (sorry for the big title)", but wattpad says the title can't be that big, so... yeah, i couldn't write it all in the right place... anyways, on with the story!)

"That's literally the coolest thing I've ever heard" Fred says, while him, George, and I walk to the Hospital Wing to visit the Trio.

"Oh, well..." I say smiling, "guess I'm cooler than you now... such an honour, to be honest, having adventures more dangerous and rule-breaking than the Weasley Twins'"

"Shut up..." they murmur in unison, and I see two small smiles on their faces.

"Oh, I'm so glad you were there, Snape," says a voice inside the Hospital Wing.

We look at each other, walking faster to see who it is.

"Thank you, Minister" says Snape's slow voice.

"You will certainly receive the Order of Merlin, Second Class! First Class, if I manage to do it!"

"Thank you, Minister"

We arrive and watch the scene from the door.

"Well, what might that wound be?!" Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic, says, pointing at Snape's head, "It was Black, as I imagine..."

"It was Black..." Snape says, "But not that Black"

Fudge seems puzzled.

"It was Black's daughter"

The Minister gasps.

"And I did it with pleasure, Professor!" I say, walking inside, "Morning, Minister, it's an honour to meet you, sir" I say, shaking his hand.

Snape looks at me and the twins with his usual 'I hate children, Gryffindor children' face. Fudge is still open-mouthed.

"Well, it was good to see you..." Fred says.

"Now does anyone know where Madam Pomfrey might be?" asks George.

"I'm right here!" someone says, walking out of a small compartment on the right side of the Hospital, "Oh, it's you! None of them are awake yet... at least that I know of... Oh, wait!"

Hermione gets up, yawning and stretching.

"Oh, I'll be right back" says Madam Pomfrey.

We walk to Hermione.

"So," I say, "how are ya?"

"I don't really know... shouldn't you be here, too? You were also there with the Dementors"

"I was awake yesterday when Snape came to 'rescue us'... so Madam Pomfrey only did a fast check-up and I was allowed to sleep in the dorms"

"Did they um..." she says, "Did they get him?"

The comforting smile I had fades. I've been trying not to think of it.

"Snape um... he tied him up and... I don't know what they did to him... I tried to curse Snape, believe me, but he just blocked all the charms and stuff that I tried to cast him..."

Pomfrey comes back with 3 enormous chocolate bars. She gives Hermione one and another to Harry who just woke up, leaving the other on Ron's bedside table.

"Madam Pomfrey?" Hermione asks.

"How's Ron?" Hermione and Harry ask at the same time.

"He'll be fine" Madam Pomfrey replies, smiling a bit, "now you two will be here as long as I wish and-" she interrupts herself, "What are you doing, Potter?"

Harry's sitting up and taking out his wand, "I've got to talk to the Headmaster" he says worriedly.

"I've tried that and it didn't wo-" I say, but Madam Pomfrey interrupts me with a smile.

"Don't worry, dear," she says, "Black's up there already. The Dementors must be about to Kiss him"

"WHAT?!" we all scream, making a sleeping Ron shoot up, mumble something, and go back to sleep.

"What is this?!" Fudge asks, seeming outraged.

"Minister, with all due respect, you've got to understand this, my father is not a criminal! It was Pettigrew, he's an Animagus, disguised as a family pet! H-he was Ron's pet, you can ask him!"

I feel tears forming, but I refuse to let them down.

"See, Minister?" says Snape, "I told you they were disturbed, it must have been some Dark Magic that Black used on them-"

"SHUT UP!" I scream.

"Ms Black..." Fudge says.

"Ms Black what?! My innocent father is somewhere, about to be slaughtered by some of your Dark creatures! You say he's a criminal, but you all are not any better"

Then the door opens and Dumbledore enters the room.

A/N: heyyyy my nifflerssss! hope you're all great and hope ya liked this chapter!

this one was a bit short i guess... sorry for that... i thought about publishing another today, but i don't really want to change the 'schedule'... still, i might change my mind...


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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