Chapter 7 - Gryffindor Vs Ravenclaw

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We're screwed.

It's already May and we haven't won any Quidditch match. Today's the last match of the season: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. Even if we win, we probably won't be able to win the Cup. Slytherin has already enough points for us to not be able to win. Poor Oliver, he's been really upset. Even his speech sounds hopeless.

But we must stay strong. Even if we don't win, we still have next year and the other after that and stuff. Anyways, I have to go and get ready for the match.


We enter the field after Wood's 'motivating' speech. The Ravenclaw Team enters the field too, their eyes filled with confidence.

'We're dead' I think.

Lee gives us a sympathetic smile from his seat and we return it. Looking around, I see everyone comfortably sat in their House's stand. They are expectantly looking at Madam Hooch, the only one that can begin the match.

"Welcome the last game of the season!" Lee yells through his megaphone "Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw!"

Oliver nods at us and goes to his post. The Ravenclaw Keeper also goes to his post after saying some words to their team.

"Now, I want a nice and clean game from both of you" says Madam Hooch, like she always does.

She handles the Quaffle and throws it in the air.

"The Quaffle is released, and the game begins!" screams Lee "Johnson with the Quaffle, she's flying to the Ravenclaw hoops... and she lets it fall... great... oh wait, Black caught it! And she's flying to the hoops... don't you dare come near her you filthy blue eagle!" McGonagall gives him a reproving look "Sorry Professor. She's almost there... AND SHE SCORES! 10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!"

There's a loud cheer coming from the Gryffindor stands.

"Ok, Morris with the Quaffle... ups, he got hit in the head by a Bludger, thanks George, hope you broke his head! I apologise, Professor McGonagall. But his friend Jacobs caught the Quaffle and now she's going to the Gryffindor hoops. Don't let me down Wood! WOW! OLIVER WOOD WAS HIT BY A BLUDGER AND IS NOW LYING ON THE FLOOR UNCONSCIOUS! WHICH ONE OF YOU LITTLE FEATHERLESS BIRDS DID THIS?!"

"JORDAN!" Professor McGonagall yelled.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Lee protested "Anyways, after this nauseous piece of cheating".

"Jordan, I'm telling you!"

"Okay, after that Beater almost killed our Keeper, which is totally normal and legal, Jacobs scores. 10 points to Ravenclaw..."

After some time, when McGonagall was almost voiceless from screaming so much at Lee, the Ravenclaw Seeker caught the Snitch.

"And... the Ravenclaw Seeker caught the Golden Snitch, which gives 150 points to Ravenclaw... that b-"

"JORDAN, DON'T YOU DARE!" McGonagall yells, using her last bits of voice.

"Okay, fine..." says Lee, sad and annoyed.


This time there is no party at the Gryffindor Common Room. No 'we won a match' type, no 'we have new team members' type. No party. Just a bunch of mourning students sitting on the floor, chatting and doing the homework they didn't do on Friday.

Oliver seems pissed. Almost about to cry.

"Hey..." I say, sitting next to him.

"Hey" he responds, looking at the ground.

"You did great today. Except when you got hit by a Bludger, but that wasn't your fault. By the way, do you feel better?"

"Well, my pride is totally ruined, but apart from that, I'm fine..."

I chuckle.

"We have more years to win. Just relax a little. I would invite you to go to Hogsmeade next weekend to calm down, but I'm a second-year... Still, we can all do something fun next weekend. Right?"

"Yeah" he smiles a little "But I need to plan the practise sessions for next year".

I laugh.

"We can help you with that if you want" I say.

"Okay. I guess a bit of help can't hurt" he says, smiling.

I hug him tight and then we both go sit next to the fireplace, where the rest of the group is sitting. We chat, as happy as we can be after losing a Quidditch match, until we go to sleep.

A/N: ahoy! here it is: a quidditch chapter. hope you liked it! i somehow managed to write a slightly shorter chapter. i'm kinda proud of myself!

luv ya

~luna loveniffler 💙

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