Chapter 9 - The New Seeker

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Ron's eating like a monster now. I mean, everyone is, but that boy seems really hungry.

I keep glancing at Harry every now and then. Everyone else does too, so I don't feel so much of a creep. I just want to tell him who I am, tell him that I know him. I just want someone like him to talk to. Sure, I have my friends, but I can't talk to them about Dad, for example. I can't really tell them what happened the night he was arrested. I'm already so glad they accepted me, even if my father is a 'murderer'. I can't just say that he's innocent. They'll think I'm getting mad.

Now Harry, he doesn't know anything about his wizarding family. I could tell him. I could tell him the truth and he wouldn't think I'm a psychopath.

"Gryffindors, follow me. Come on! Hurry up!" Percy's voice wakes me up. It's the second time someone wakes me up from a daydream today.

Oh, by the way, how could I ever forget this...: Percy is a Prefect now, and he is constantly reminding us of that. Always shoving that shiny badge in our faces.

We get to the Common Room, Percy The Prefect shows the first-years where the dormitories are, and we sit by the fireplace.

"Hey... You've been pretty quiet today J" says Lee "Is there something wrong?".

"What? Oh, no. I'm fine" and I put on my best fake smile. I mean, I'm not sad or angry or anything, just thoughtful.

And we stay there. In front of the warm fireplace. Comfortably talking. Calming down from the long day. Until we eventually go to bed.

// the next day //

"What classes have we got today?" I ask Angelina, while we get out of the dormitory and go to the Common Room.

"First; Herbology with the Ravenclaws. Then; History of Magic with the Hufflepuffs. And then... Potions... with the Slytherins" she sighs after explaining the last part. I don't have anything against Slytherin. But, being part of the Quidditch Team... the Gryffindor Quidditch Team... with Oliver Wood as your Captain...? That makes you be hated by those guys, which kind of makes you hate them in return.

The boys come, and we go to classes.


"Guys! GUYS!" someone yells behind Angie, Lee, and I.

Oliver came running to us, ginning like an idiot.

"What?" I ask, chuckling at his dorky behavior.

"WE HAVE A SEEKER!" he screams. Some people look at us, but we couldn't care less.

"What do you mean 'we have a Seeker'? We didn't even do the tryouts yet" says Lee.

Oliver is breathing heavily, as if he had run the marathon. He didn't run the marathon, but he did run up lots of stairs, since he came all the way from the DADA classroom to the 4th floor, where we had History of Magic. But he managed to keep talking.

"McGonagall came to me, during Defense Against the Dark Arts. She brough Harry Potter with her. Harry Potter! She said that she saw Harry catching Neville Longbottom's Remembrall during Flying Class. HE CAUGHT A REMEMBRALL FLYING ON A BROOSTICK! She said he was faster than Charlie Weasley! HARRY POTTER IS THE NEW GRYFFINDOR SEEKER!" again, lots of people looked at us. But, this time, there was incredulity in their eyes: a first-year? On the Quidditch Team?

"Harry Potter is the new Gryffindor Seeker?" asks Angelina "So he must be outstanding! A first-year? On the Quidditch Team? That hasn't happened in, like, a hundred years!"

"Hey everyone! Have you heard the news?" say two voices behind us. The news seem to run quickly at Hogwarts "Harry Potter is our new Seeker!".

"Yeah, Oliver was telling us right now! It's incredible! Because 1) he's a first-year and 2) HE'S FREAKING HARRY POTTER!" says Lee, smiling wildly.

We go to the Courtyard, where we find Ron with... Harry.

Fred and George approach them.

"Hey! Well done Harry! We just heard the news!" says Fred.

"They're both in the Team too. Beaters" explains Ron when Harry gives him a questioning look.

"Yeah, our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises though. Rough game, Quidditch" says George.

"Brutal! But, don't worry, no one's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally..." Fred begins.

"But they'll turn up in a month or two!" finishes George, while Ron and Harry walk away from them.

The twins come back to us.

"Seriously? You just scared the hell out of the boy!" I say.

"Oh please, we're just telling the truth..." says George.

We walk to our last class of the day, which runs smoothly, even with Snape always looking disapprovingly at us.

We do our homework in the Common Room after school, as usual, and leave its comfort to go have dinner. Surprisingly, we didn't have Quidditch practice today. Not even after dinner. Maybe that's because we're missing a Chaser and we need to do tryouts.

"Potter needs time to process that he's just been chosen to join a team of a sport he doesn't even know. Oh, by the way, I still need to explain Quidditch to Harry. Anyone wants to come?" explains Wood.

"I do" Angelina and I say.

The others say they would like to, but they have things to do. When those three have 'things to do', someone will get out covered in something slimy, or with colorful hair, or even without hair...

"Okay, Saturday at 8:30" says Oliver.

"8:30... We never had a Quidditch practice at 8:30... It's always been at, like, 5 in the morning! This is what you get for defeating You-Know-Who as a baby..." Angie mutters, and I chuckle.

And we go to bed after finishing our dinner.

A/N: helloooooo! here's the 9th chapter, hope you liked it! is it shorter than usual? i think it is... incredible how i can actually write something shorter than usual... anyways, sorry if it isn't that good, i think i didn't have lots of inspiration... still, hope you liked it!

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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