Chapter 31 - The Mix Of Emotions During A Special Quidditch Match

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So, a bunch of things happened since the Boggart class. I'm going to give you an exclusive explanation of what has been going on.

First, the Fat Lady was attacked. By, guess who? Exactly, Sirius Black. So people around the school are being ruder than usual towards me. Great. Since the Fat Lady was attacked, her portrait was replaced by Sir Cadogan. He's quite a jerk. He's only there because no other portrait was brave enough to replace the Fat Lady since they're scared that Dad will come back again and attack them. Also, he's always challenging us for duels and making up stupid passwords every week. Poor Neville Longbottom had to write them down because he couldn't memorize them.

Then, someone sent Harry a new broom; a Firebolt. A freaking Firebolt! Oliver was astonished, of course. He wanted Harry to use it during our match against Ravenclaw, but McGonagall said it was too dangerous. They were scared Dad had sent the broom and that it would be cursed or something. And Oliver got mad; he told McGonagall he didn't care if the broom threw Harry off, as long as he caught the Snitch first... that boy needs to calm down...

But if we were hopeful that Oliver would become a relaxed person for the last years, then that hope is all gone now. We're having our last match if the season today. That means we can win today. I know, we've won before, but this year's different. It's Oliver's last year at Hogwarts, so we can't lose. Really.

We're now in the Great Hall, trying to have breakfast. Key word: trying. We're not really in the mood to eat right now... we're too nervous.

"C'mon, you've got to eat something!" says Oliver exasperated, "I'm not letting my team step into the Pitch without eating anything".

"Well, why don't you eat too?" says Angelina, trying to eat something.

"I'm uh..." stutters Oliver, "not hungry...".

"And you think we are?" I ask, "You've got to eat too!".

After some minutes of arguing over our breakfast, Oliver gets up.

"Let's go, I want to check the weather" he says and almost drags us to the Grounds.

When we leave the Hall, we receive another round of applauses, just like when we arrived. This time, the Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs joined too.

"Perfect" says Oliver after looking at the sky for a bit, as we leave the castle, "No wind, the sun's a bit strong though, it might affect our vision, be careful. And the floor's stiff, which makes us take flight faster...".

We make our way to the Pitch, almost running, since Oliver seems to think we're late or something. He keeps pacing and looking at the floor when we arrive on the Pitch. I bet he's giving himself one of his famous ted talks... Then he stops pacing around. I look around and see that the students are arriving. Oliver walks to us, mutters "Changing rooms" and keeps walking.

We change silently. When no one speaks you can concentrate on yourself and figure out how you're feeling. Well I feel like my insides are doing some weird back flips, making me uncomfortable. And I'm sure everyone else feels like this too, especially Oliver.

"Well, time to go" he says after some moments of silence.

Everyone walks out of the dressing rooms, but I catch Oliver. He gives me a questioning look.

"What?" he asks.

I shove a piece of chocolate in his hand; Remus always told me it makes you feel better.

"What's this?" he asks confused.

"Chocolate, of course" I respond, smiling weakly, "To give ya strength. I noticed that you didn't eat anything, even when we asked you to; you were too occupied shoving food into our mouths that we forgot that you're a human too, and you need to eat".

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