Chapter 44 - Friends And Fireworks On The Last Day Of School

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Last day of school. Ya know what that means for us Gryffindors? Of course, another party. We've gone to all the last-day-of-school-Gryffindor-parties, but this year we decided to make something different. Because next year, we'll need to find a new Keeper. We'll need to make try-outs with our Captain. Without Oliver...

So we decided that we would be doing something more interesting and original than an ordinary Gryffindor party. Because, honestly, those are always the same: Butterbeers, Fire Whiskey that the twins sneak in, Weird Sisters music, lots of noise, making the Fat Lady mad at us... and McGonagall in some special celebrations.

We decided we'd be going to the Pitch, try some Protecting Charms to make sure no one hears or sees us, and just do whatever we want. We chose the Pitch because it's where our best memories are. It's like our not-so-secret spot. It's where we've practiced before the sunrise until after the sunset, where we sometimes got mad at Oliver for making us get up at 5AM, where we won our first match, and our last...

So here we are, carrying the hugest amount of Zonko fireworks (and some stuff Fred and George created), for when the sun starts disappearing in the horizon, we throw them to the sky.

"Why do we need to muffle the place, though?" Oliver asks, "And make it... invisible?"

"We're not making it invisible," Angie says, "We just don't want anyone to see us. I'm pretty sure we're not even allowed to be here..."

"Is there a better way of ending the school year," Fred says, "than breaking the rules?"

"Nope" I reply, "Definitely not..."

We spent the afternoon playing Quidditch, of course (I'm pretty sure I saw a tear running down Oliver's face when he took in his hand the Snitch that Harry caught during our last match), and looking at old pictures: Lee had guarded all of our pictures and we made an album plus six copies of it; one for each of us.

Then the sunrays became weaker, the place became more shadowy and colder, and the sun finally vanished in the skyline.

"Showtime" the twins whisper.

They get up and run to get fireworks.

Last time we did something like this was last Christmas. And it was totally awesome (A/N: yes, yes, an AVPM reference)! So this time, it has to be better. A lot better. It has to be the most wonderful thing anyone has ever seen, at least. We have three times the amount of fireworks, with twice the colour, we have the Pitch silenced (I hope), so no one will be able to come and ruin our happiness. Not that I don't like people, believe me, I like people (A/N: no, I don't), but this is for us, and only us (A/N: siriusly, this wasn't supposed to be a DEH reference, it just happened).

"C'mon, guys!" George yells, from the highest stand, "Climb up and get a ball!"

We do as we're told.

"On three!" Katie says, "One..."

"Two..." Lee continues.

"Three!" we shout, throwing the neon balls to the sky.

They end up blowing up in an explosion of light, colour and music, making words, or moving forms

They're so shiny that the night sky isn't dark anymore; it almost seems like it's day. It's incredible how no one has seen us already. I mean... I don't think anyone has seen us...

"And here's the big final!" Fred screams.

He and George Summon their brooms and take flight. They fly to the middle of the fireworks and motion for us to do the same. While we fly towards them, they throw us more balls, this ones having a painted dragon and a number.

The twins throw their balls to the sky, as far as they could go, and we all follow the lead. After some short moments, a glowing dragon comes from the clouds above us, spitting more fireworks.

"Holy Potter..." Oliver mutters; he has this habit since Harry came and made us win the Cup in his first year.

When a dragon is flying towards you, you would probably run away as fast as you could. And I would also do that. But I, this time, I don't. I stay still, letting it pass trough me, feeling the energy, seeing the glow and the colour inside of it.

"Woo-hoo!" someone shouts.

This is so huge and so shiny that I can't believe that no one outside has seen it yet.

It starts fading slowly until it's nothing more than a few sparkles falling to the floor.

"Wow..." I hear Oliver mumble, "I'm not getting this type of parties with Puddlemere..."

My eyes widen.

"Puddlemere?" I say, "What do you mean with that?!"

He pretends to be naïve, but I see a small smirk on his lips.

"Oh, I didn't tell you?" he replies, "I already have a job..."

He can't finish the sentence before I throw my arms around him.

"Woah, calm down, I'm only on the Reserve Team..." he assures, and I feel the others join the hug, congratulating him.

"As long as you get us free tickets, I don't care!" I reply.

We all laugh slightly, and stay there for the rest of the night, missing the End-Of-Year Feast.


A/N: hey my nifflersss! hope you're well and hope you liked this chapter!!

i really gotta go, and i'm sorry this chapter was too out of contest

luv y'all, you're totally awesome :)

~luna loveniffler 💙

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