Chapter 25 - The Heir Of Slytherin

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"Jupiter!" calls Hermione, walking inside the girls' toilet on the 3rd floor.

I had just left the Transfiguration classroom after the class ended.

"I'm so glad to find you!" she says.

"How can I help?" I ask, trying to smile and not think about this 'Chamber of Secrets'.

"Well," she begins, "I came straight from History of Magic, and Professor Binns just gave us some useful information about this mysterious 'Chamber of Secrets'".

"McGonagall told us some stuff too!" I reply, "I had Transfiguration" I add.

"That's great!" she says, "It spares some explanations. So, you might know of that 'Heir of Slytherin', correct?" she asks, earning an interested nod from me. "Well, the boys and I have been talking and..." she looks down for a short moment, "we have an idea of who they might be...".


"What?!" I almost yell.

"Shhhh" Hermione replies.

"Sorry..." I mutter, "look, I know that little brat can be a total jerk but... I really don't think he could be that much of a jerk...".

"Really?" she asks, incredulous, "I think he could be the Heir of Slytherin! You even heard what he said when Mrs Norris was found Petrified! 'You'll be next Mud... Mudbloods" she cringes while muttering the word.

"Yeah, I know..." I say, "but... I don't know... he's a total useless monster, but I don't think he could hold such an important post".

She smiles a bit.

"Well, I think there's still a chance..." she says.

"Yeah, there might be" I respond, "But, anyways, do you need me to help you with anything?".

"Yes" she answers determinately, "I have an idea... I didn't tell the boys yet, but, if we agree to do it, I could use some help..."

"Mind telling me?" I ask, suddenly interested.

She smiles.

"Well, I had the idea of using Polyjuice Potion to impersonate people who are close to him here at Hogwarts" she begins, an almost evil smile on her face, "It could be his friends- I mean, his bodyguards; Crabbe and Goyle! We could easily get some of their hairs and put them in the potion!".

"Yeah, but there's a problem..." I say, thinking that this plan, like any other, could go wrong, "How are we going to brew that potion? Where can we find the ingredients? Ya know, Snape's not very fond of me... nor of you, I believe... he doesn't seem to like Gryffindors very much... or anyone else...".

"I know, I know..." she says frowning, "Also, I believe that potion takes a long time brewing. I remember it being something like... a month? But I better verify it later. Anyways, the thing is, if we could actually find the ingredients and brew the potion, we still had to find a way of getting their hair...".

The bell rang and we had to separate and go to different classes.


The classes today weren't that interesting. I mean, some of them are never interesting, but today? No one actually cared. After the conversation with McGonagall about the Chamber of Secrets, nothing could motivate us. Well, Oliver didn't seem to care about it, because he would remember us of our match next week anytime we crossed paths in the corridors. And I bet we're having practise tomorrow at dawn...

"Do you think the Chamber of Secrets thingy is real?" asks Katie suddenly while we chill in the Common Room.

We look at her.

"You know..." Angie begins, "if you want me to be honest... McGonagall didn't seem to be joking; and if she was, I'm pretty (we know you are pretty) surprised!".

Katie looks scared.

"But, hey..." continues Angelina, giving her a very tight side hug, "it's fine... if there's really a 'Chamber of Secrets', we won't let you get hurt or anything".

I give them a warm smile and watch them reply it.

"Yeah..." Katie says, staring at the floor.

"And even if it is real," I say, "Dumbledorewouldn't let anything happen to us".

A/N: hey peopleeeee! hope you're all doing well! and hope you liked this chapter! i'm SO SORRY that it is so short! it's just, i don't really know what to write... i mean, i do, but not for this part of the story. but hopefully the story will be better from now on (even with that stressful thing called school starting tomorrow), since i have more ideas for after the chamber of secrets. I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL! anyways, i'm also sorry that i won't be able to publish as often as usual, but i already said that...


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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