Chapter 6 - The Map And The Party

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There's a little party in the Gryffindor Common Room tonight. Not a 'we won a match' type; just a 'we have new team members' type. Still, the twins say they can manage to steal some Butterbeer from the kitchens. They wanted to bring Fire-Whiskey too:

"You're not bringing Fire-Whiskey!" I tell them.

"What?! Why?!" asks George, annoyed.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because we are children!" I yell at them.

"Ugh, you're no fun, Jupiter!" Fred says.

I gasp.

"How dare you?! I feel attacked! Just because I'm worried about my best friends' health that means I'm boring?" I say, my hand in my chest.

"Well, we were going to show you something really cool that we stole from Filch's office last year, but since you're being boring, I don't think you deserve to see it" says George, ignoring my question.

"Wait what?! You stole something from Filch's office last year... AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!"

"Come here" they whisper in unison.

We go to the boys' dormitory, that is empty now, since it's Saturday and it's sunny and warm outside.

Fred pulls something out of his jacket. Something that looks just like an old piece of parchment.

"George, if you please" says Fred, handing George the parchment.

George takes his wand, points it at the parchment and says:

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good".

Suddenly, the parchment fills itself with symbols and words. It says:

"'Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present The Marauders' Map'" I read. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs? Oh Merlin's beard!

"It shows everyone-" says Fred.

"Where they are-" says George.

"What they're doing-".

"Every minute-"-

"Of every day!" finishes Fred.

My mouth is wide open and I don't know what to say.

"So?" they ask.

"Are you okay?" asks George.

"Is she having a stroke?" asks Fred concerned.

"I don't think so..." George answers.

I finally wake up from my daydream. Now that I'm able to speak I say:

"First; no, I'm not having a stroke" they sigh in relief "Second; 'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs'!?. That's Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Dad and Uncle James!" I whisper-yell.

They stare at me for a moment.



"So they were actually cool..." affirms George, after I tell them what I know about the subject.

"Maybe that's why you're like this now; a troublemaker. Because your father was one too" says Fred.

"So I'm guessing I'm not boring anymore...?".

"We never thought you were boring; we love you" they say, and then hug me tight enough for me to stop breathing for a moment.

"I love you guys too, but you have to let me go please..." I say breathlessly.

They let me go and I take a deep breath.

"So, anything else interesting in the Map? Something that you found and are not telling me?" I ask, a suspicious look on my face.

"Well..." says Fred.

"We found 7 secret passageways to Hogsmeade!" says George.

"One of them leading directly to Honeydukes-" continues Fred.

"And another to the Shrieking Shack!" completes George.

"What?! Have you tried them? Don't tell me you went to Hogsmeade before 3rd year without me!" I say.

"Well, we tried once..." says George.

"But Mrs Norris came..." continues Fred.

"And we had to abort the mission" finishes George.

"So you did go without me! I'm very disappointed on you guys" I say, a bit sad they didn't tell me anything.

"Wait! We had to make sure it was safe before you came with us" says Fred, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"What if the Map had been written by some evil Death Eaters or something..." completes George, also putting an arm around me.

I look at them thoughtfully, before saying:

"Okay, fine, you're forgiven".

They smile.

"Now let's go get the Butterbeers" I say, and drag them out of the dormitory.

We get out of the Common Room (while the Fat Lady tries to show us her 'singing skills'), and head to the kitchens to beg the House Elfs to get us Butterbeer. It's actually really easy, those guys give you whatever you want. We just ask for one bottle and they give us 20.

Now that we have 55 bottles of Butterbeer, we head back to the Common Room, where everything's already ready.

"Finally!" some people say when they see us going through the portrait hole, carrying endless Butterbeers in our arms.

//Time Skip to the end of the party//

The party went well. We didn't make much noise, or at least no one came telling us to be quiet. McGonagall even came to see how the party was going. Moony was right, she's really cool.

Talking about Moony, I wrote to him telling that I joined the Quidditch Team and that Fred and George found his Map. I don't think he'll be mad because of the Map or anything. He'll probably even give us more details about it. He never really gets mad at us, he's too sweet for that. Now Mrs. Weasley... that's another story. The twins wrote to her saying that they joined the Team, but I don't think they'll ever tell her about the Map. She would probably reply with a Howler, and no one wants that...

But now I'm going to sleep, because it's late and we'll have Quidditch practise tomorrow. Yes, on a Sunday. Oliver never rests when it comes to Quidditch, everyone knows that. And Gryffindor hasn't won since Charlie left, so I'm expecting Oli to be very focused on winning the Quidditch Cup. Poor boy...

I think I need sleep. Yeah, I'm going to bed.

A/N: hellooooooo! i'm sorry if this chapter is too out of contest of something... i think i wasn't very inspired. the next one is a quidditch match, so it might be better...

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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