Chapter 40 - Our Grand Plan

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A/N: yes, the title is inspired by the lightning thief (the musical, not the book or the movie)


"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I say after Dumbledore leaves.

We all fall silent.

We can't just break in Professor Flitwick's office and save Dad... and someone else, I guess... but I'm sure Hermione knows what's happening... I mean, Dumbledore said something about her knowing 'the law' so... I hope she knows what he was talking about.

"I think I know..." Hermione mutters.

Thank Merlin...

"So?" I say, "What is it? Are we going to, I don't know... go back in time?" I add sarcastically, "Ya know, Dumbledore said we needed time... you guys don't have, like, a Time Turner or something, right?"

I laugh nervously and Hermione gives me a guilty look.

"What? Wait... y-you" my smile fades, "I was just joking I-" I'm just astonished now, "You have a Time Turner" it sounded more like a question than an affirmation.

She nods.

"How did you get one?!" I gasp, "Are you a Time Turner contrabandist?"

"What? No!" she says, "Professor McGonagall gave me one so I could attend all the classes this year..."

"All the classes?" I say, "You're taking all the classes?"

"Yes, but that doesn't matter now" Hermione says, "We've got to use the Time Turner to save Sirius"

"Excuse me..." says Harry awkwardly, "But um... what is a Time Turner?"

We both look at him, as if we had forgotten that he was there.

Hermione puts her hand inside her cloak, taking off a shiny golden necklace with a small hourglass.

"W-what is that?" Harry mutters.

"You two" Hermione says, "come here. Quickly!"

She puts the necklace around our necks and turns the hourglass three times.

For a moment, the Hospital Wing turns dark and starts spinning. The feeling is bit like travelling by Floo, but more nauseous.

Then, we are in the Great Hall, the sunset rays entering through the windows. Hermione drags us to some small storage room full of cleaning objects.

"Can someone tell me what happened?!" Harry pleads, desperate.

"I think we went back in time" I say, looking at Hermione. She nods, "Three turns, three hours, so... what are you going to do now?".

"Well, we have to figure out what we were doing, I mean, what 'we' are doing" Hermione replies.

Harry still looks confused, but he tries to cooperate, "I think we are going to Hagrid's hut..."

"And in what will that help us...?" I ask.

Hermione thinks for a moment while Harry just stares at the floor, probably trying to process all the new information.

"Dumbledore said we could save another innocent life..." says Hermione, "Buckbeak".

"Excuse me?"

"You're right!" Harry says, "If we let Buckbeak escape, we can save his life and we can save Sirius's after"

"Wait, wait, wait" I say, "Buckbeak... you mean, Hagrid's hippogriff?"

They nod.

"What happened to him?"

"Well..." Hermione says, sadness in her voice, "Since Malfoy was... attacked, he probably went straight to daddy complaining on how Buckbeak was a wild uncontrolled animal and on how Hagrid was an incompetent teacher and a savage... So... the Ministry condemned Buckbeak to death..."

"And how is that going to help us save my dad?"

"Professor Dumbledore said he was trapped in Professor Flitwick's office; seventh floor, thirteenth window from the right of the West Tower... we must have to fly on top on Buckbeak to get there!" Hermione says, "But anyways, we have to be fast so no more questions now" she adds, determined, "Let's go".


"Can't we just free him now?" Harry whispers.

"I'm think the Ministry guys should come first and see that he's still here" I explain, "If they don't, they'll think it was Hagrid, and he'll have even more problems".

Then we hear something hitting the ground and breaking.

"Hagrid dropped the teapot..." Hermione says.

"That means you're about to find Scabbers" Harry says and we hear a shriek coming from the hut.

"Wait..." I think out loud, "Scabbers...? We've got to catch him! He's a proof that my father is innocent, we wouldn't have to save my dad!"

"Jupiter, we can't do that!" Hermione says, "They'll see us! I mean, we'll see ourselves..."

"Yes, but isn't Pettigrew going to run away from Ron or something? You told me what had happened when we were going to the castle before Remus... you know... anyways, if we free Buckbeak, after the Ministry guys come, then wait until Pettigrew runs away, we could catch him while none of your past-present-whatever-selves are looking and we could take him to the castle! Then, when they trap Dad, we would bring Scabbers, make him turn into a human again and give him Veritaserum or something and make him tell the truth about everything!"

They look surprised.

"That's..." Hermione begins, "not bad at all" she smiles nervously and says, "But, maybe, instead of catching him when he runs away from Ron, we could do that when Professor Lupins transforms. You know, because no one will be watching; it would be night-time and all of us would be busy with something! Then, we would take him to Dumbledore, explain everything, hope that he will believe us, and then travel back to when we left!"


"That's freaking genius!" I say.

A/N: heyyyy my nifflerssss! how are ya?? hope you're well and hope you liked this chapter!!

i don't really know what to say... again... so, yeah...

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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