Chapter 2 - The Big Day

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"Hey, J?" I hear a voice calling for me, but the warmness of my bed feels too comfortable for me to answer it. "Come on, time to wake up..."

I feel someone shaking me gently.

"What...?" I groan, "Just five more minutes..."

I hear a sigh, "Sorry, today you can't have five more minutes. You don't want to be late for school, do you?"

School? I think to myself. Aren't I on holidays?

Then it hits me.

I shoot up in bed, rubbing the sleep off my eyes. I'm met with Moony standing next to me, a small smile adorning his scarred face. My eyes scan the room, looking for a calendar somewhere. They end up finding one on the wall opposite my bed; many squares are crossed out, forming a trail of lived days that reaches a big, red circle around another square.

"First of September..." I mutter, letting a grin spread on my lips.

Remus chuckles, "C'mon, breakfast is ready," and he leaves the room.

I stay there for a couple of seconds, my eyes dreamily fixed on the calendar on the wall and my legs still covered in sheets. My mind wonders to a big, old castle that I've only ever seen in pictures or maps. I ask myself if it actually looks the same in real life. If the Great Lake is as great as they say. If the Forbidden Forest is as dangerous as they put it. At any rate, I guess I'll now be able to find out.

I take a deep breath and get out of bed, quickly making my way to the kitchen. As I enter it, I'm immediately met with the familiar smell of toast and orange juice. Moony gives me a plate and gets one for himself, before taking the seat in front of me.

He takes a sip from his cup, "So, excited?".

I let a smile cross my lips, "Of course! Can't wait to see the place where the famous Marauders studied!"

"Well, not that Sirius did study a lot..." Moon mutters to himself.

"Oh, and don't worry, I promise I'll do my best to find all the secret passageways you so kindly left for me!" I add with a grin.

"And do you promise to also focus on your studies and not break all the rules?" he asks, his hazel eyes fixed on mine with a knowing look.

I take a moment, pretending to be seriously considering his proposal.

"Wait, 'not breaking all the rules' means I can still break some, right?" I make sure.

He chuckles, "Well... yes".

"Alright, then," I put my left hand in my chest and my right hand in the air, "I solemnly swear that, apart from having fun at school, I will also study and break only some rules".

Moony smiles and shakes his head, "Well, you should go get dressed and brush your teeth, because we're supposed to be at the Burrow in..." he checks his wristwatch, "Fifteen minutes. Hurry up!"

I nod and run back to my bedroom, quickly putting on the clothes I had prepared yesterday. I take the opportunity to pack some last-minute things in my trunk before going to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair and pack all the bathroom-related things I'll need to take. Then I take my trunk and run back to the living room, where I find Moony standing in front of the fireplace.

"Ready to go?" he asks, nodding toward the fireplace.

"Always," I extend my hand to the small pouch reading 'Floo' that hangs above the hearth. My hand retreats, carrying a handful of a familiar glittery powder.

The Daughter of the Murderer - BOOK 1 - *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now