Chapter 19 - The End-Of-Year Feast

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Guess who's not Voldy's friend? Snape.

Now guess who was Voldy's friend? Quirrell. Poor innocent stuttering Professor Quirrell. That guy had Voldemort living on the back of his head. The back of his head! That's why he used that turban! Well, he's dead now.

Guess who killed him? Harry. Harry Potter killed a teacher, but I guess that's kind of okay, since he also defeated Voldemort. I mean, almost... I bet he'll come back some years from now... and I'm not going to be ready for when that happens. No one will. Still, it will happen sometime. But at least we're safe for now. I guess...

Anyways, I should tell you a resume of what happened. So, Harry, Ron, and Hermione got through that trap door on the 3rd floor. Neville Longbottom tried to stop them, but Hermione Petrified him before he could do anything. Poor boy... Anyways, the trap door led to a Devil's Snare trap, that led to a room full of flying keys, that led to a giant game of Wizard's Chess, that led to the Stone. Harry got the Stone, and Dumbledore and Flamel destroyed it.

Now, it's the time for the End-Of-Year Feast. And, as usual, they're awarding the House Cup.

Entering the Great Hall, I see the green and silver banners hanging from the ceiling, which shows the dark night sky. Ugh, Slytherin won. Again. But at least we won the Quidditch Cup...

We all sit at the Gryffindor table, not even bothering to pretend we're happy.

"Another year has passed" starts Dumbledore, rising from his chair. "Now, we must award the House Cup. In fourth place, Gryffindor, with 312 points".

There's a faint sound of clapping from our table.

"In third, Hufflepuff, with 352 points".

Clapping from the Hufflepuffs.

"In second, Ravenclaw, with 426 points".

Clapping and cheering from the Ravenclaw table.

"And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin House".

There is loud clapping, cheering, even screaming, from the Slytherin table.

"Yes, yes, well done, Slytherin..." says Dumbledore through the noise, and everyone quiets down. "However, some recent events must be considered. I have a few last-minute points to give".

Smiles fade from the faces of some Slytherins as Dumbledore looks at Harry.

Angelina and I exchange a questioning look. What's happening?

"To Miss Hermione Granger," continues Dumbledore, "for using cool intellect when others were in danger, I award 50 points".

We all look at each other and then Hermione, who has a smile on her face and surprise in her eyes. We cheer, and though those points are not enough for us to win, at least we're not in last place anymore.

"Second, to Mister Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has even seen, I award 50 points".

Ron mouths 'Me?'. We all nod at him, 'Yes, you!'. There are more applauses coming from our table.

"He's seriously giving 50 points for playing chess?!" says Lee. "Not that I'm complaining though".

"In third, to Mister Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award... 60 points".

More cheers are coming from our own table, as Hermione says "We're tied with Slytherin!".

"Now, in last place, it takes great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but great deal more to stand up to our friends. Therefore, I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom".

Everyone in the Gryffindor table is literally screaming. Well, except Neville, who seems too shocked to do anything. By now, all the smiles that used to belong to Slytherin students, are plastered on the faces of the cheering Gryffindors. McGonagall is giving us her proud smile again, the one that warms you up and makes you feel at home.

"Now, I believe that a change of direction is in order" Dumbledore says, as calm as always. He claps his hands and the green and silver Slytherin flags hanging from the ceiling turn into red and gold Gryffindor ones. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!".

Even when the food came, which usually quiets down the students for some moments, the noise from our table didn't cease.

This year was one if winnings, but who knows what Hogwarts will be giving us next year?

A/N: helloooooo guysssssss! hope you liked this chapter! was it shorter? i think it was a bit shorter... i wrote it while watching a very potter musical... i really love starkid... also, lauren lopez, ya know... she's a legend... anywayssssss

luv yaaaaaaaa

~luna loveniffler 💙

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