Chapter 24 - The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened

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There's a rumour going on again... And this time is nothing as exciting as 'Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts'. It's far scarier...

People are saying that... the 'Chamber of Secrets' has been opened again. They're saying it because Mrs Norris, Filch's cat, has been Petrified. She was found in the middle of a hall, hanging from her tail, and... there was a message on the wall behind her... written in blood. It said, 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir... beware'. 'Enemies of the Heir'? What, in Merlin's name, is that supposed to mean?!


"Professor!" calls Angelina, in the middle of the Transfiguration class.

"Yes, Ms Johnson?" responds McGonagall, looking at her.

"Could you um... tells us about... the Chamber of Secrets?" asks Angie, probably afraid to hear the answer.

Everyone looks up from their textbooks, or from what they were copying from the board. Even Fred and George look worried, and that's saying something.

McGonagall looks alarmed, as if she wasn't expecting this. I mean, she probably wasn't expecting this... though she should have thought that someone would end up asking it.

"Oh, well..." she stutters, something I've never seen her do, "So, as you may know," she begins, trying to gain her usual confidence back, "Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago, by the greatest witches and wizards of that age. They were: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. They build the castle themselves, together, far from nosy Muggle eyes; magic was dreaded back then, and witches and wizards were hunted down".

All the eyes in the room are focused on Professor McGonagall. She looks around, at our extremely interested faces, and goes back to telling the story.

"The founders worked together in harmony for some years, seeking magical children to be educated at Hogwarts. But then," she paused for a moment, "Slytherin started to cause some problems... He had a very selective taste in students..." she took a deep breath, "Slytherin believed that children from all-magical families were the only ones worthy of being educated"

"There was a serious argument between Gryffindor and Slytherin, where Slytherin ended up leaving the school. These are the historical facts".

The class seems disappointed, as our attentive smiles slowly fade.

"Though..." continues McGonagall, making our smiles gradually reappear, "there is a legend".

With our eyes upon her again, she looks at all of us and keeps telling the story.

"The saying is... Salazar Slytherin built a chamber at Hogwarts. A secret chamber, that kept hidden even when he left the school. None of the founders knew of its existence" she pauses to take another look at us, "Legend has it, that Slytherin closed the Chamber of Secrets, and the only one capable of opening it, releasing the terrors within it and cleaning the school of those who were, in Slytherin's mind, unworthy, was his true heir when they arrived at the school".

Scaring silence fills the air, as McGonagall finished the story. My hand immediately shots up, as if automatically.

McGonagall seems a little terrified; it has been the second time that happened that day.

"Yes, Ms Black?" she asks carefully.

"Um..." I say, uncertain, "what does it mean, 'the terrors within it'?".

"Oh, well..." she thinks for a moment, probably thinking that she shouldn't terrify us more, but that we deserved to know the truth, "It's said that the Chamber hold a monster that can be fully controlled by the... 'heir of Slytherin'".

There's that mystic silence again. Some hands pop up, McGonagall answers some more questions, then she recomposes herself and carries on with the actual class, though no one really seemed to pay attention to it. Even Professor McGonagall herself seemed a bit off, but managed to teach us the Colour Change Charm.

A/N: helloooo my nifflersssss! how r u doing?? hope you liked this chapter! it might be small, but ya know what? i don't have inspiration and that is SO ANNOYING! I. DON'T. WANT. WRITER'S. BLOCK. specially now, that school will, very unfortunatly, start in TWO FREAKING DAYS, AND I WON'T BE ABLE TO WRITE SO OFTEN! UGH, I HATE THIS SO MUCH, I JUST WANNA CRY! AND, I FINISHED WATCHING THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY AND I WANT A NEW SEASON NOW! I SAAAAAADDDDD!


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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