Chapter 42 - Back To The Future... wait isn't that a muggle movie?

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"Professor," Harry says, a smile forming, "we did it!".

"Did what?" Dumbledore asks.

Oh... okay... maybe he wasn't expecting this.

"We... um..." I begin.

"We found Sirius Black in the Forest" Hermione says. Since no one says anything, she carries on, "He is innocent, Professor. You have to believe us!"

"I believe in you" Dumbledore assures calmly, "But does any of you have any proofs?"

"Yes!" I say, "Yes, we do, Professor" I show him Pettigrew, which he takes in his hands, making sure he doesn't fall.

It feels so good to finally be able to say that I have proofs that my father is innocent. And when the Ministry doesn't have another choice if not to free him, I'll want to be there and see their faces.

"I believe this is Mr Weasley's pet...?" Dumbledore asks.

"Yes" I say, "Well, no... Kind of... What matters is, in a few moments, Professor Snape will come here with the three of us, Ron Weasley, and my father; all passed out... probably. Then, in the morning, the Ministry will come to take Dad, but in the meantime, you will lock him up inside Professor Flitwick's office, seventh floor, thirteenth window from the right of the West Tower. Before the Dementors come to give him the Kiss, you will, please, show the Minister this rat. He's an Animagus, so you will turn him back into his human form, give him Veritaserum and make him confess that he's the one who committed all the crimes that my father was imprisoned for"

Everyone seems quite speechless. Even me actually. It seems like I had this all prepared. I didn't, believe me.

"Let me just review the plan," Dumbledore says after some moments of silence, "you see, I'm getting old and my mind is not as good as it used to be. So, Professor Snape will come here, bringing you, Mr Weasley, and Sirius Black with him. Black will be locked up in Professor Flitwick's office, waiting for the Ministry to come in the morning. When they do, I will show Cornelius Fudge himself this rat, I will turn him human and make him confess the crimes he committed, setting, I believe, Sirius Black free. Correct?"

I give him a small nod.

"I have a question though" Dumbledore adds, "Who might this Animagus be?"

"Peter Pettigrew" we say at the same time.

Dumbledore nods slightly, not seemingly surprised.

"Well..." he says, "I think you should go back to where, oh I apologise, to when you were"

I smile a bit, not really knowing why. Dumbledore seems to know everything sometimes, other times he just doesn't know anything; it's quite confusing to be honest.

We leave his office, making sure we're not seen.

"Okay..." Hermione says, "I think this will work!"

We all grin and laugh nervously.

"But there's something else..." Harry says, "Buckbeak. What do we do with him?"

"Maybe we should go talk to Hagrid..." I say.

"Hagrid can't stay with Buckbeak" Hermione replies firmly, "At least in his house. He'll have serious problems if anyone finds out he still has him... and it wouldn't be that hard to find a Hippogriff in someone's garden... he has to stay somewhere else..."

"Perhaps the Forest....?" Harry says.

"Perhaps..." Hermione replies.

"I think I might know a safe place in the Forest where he can stay..." I say, slightly unsure. They look at me, "We can take him there and we'll talk to Hagrid when we get to the future... or present or whatever that is"


"Great" Hermione says after Becky's safe and happy in an old cave in the Forest, "Now come here, it's time to go back".

She puts the necklace around us again, and turns the Time Turner a bunch of times on the opposite direction than last time.

Then, the Forest starts spinning and my feet leave the ground, only to hit the floor of the corridor leading to the Hospital Wing.

"We have 10 seconds to get there before Dumbledore closes the door" Hermione says, looking at her watch and dragging us to the Hospital.

When we get there, Dumbledore leaves the room, flashing us a reassuring smile.

We get inside, being greeted by an anxious Madam Pomfrey.

"Okay, now you two," she says, looking at Hermione and Harry, "are going back to bed now. And Ms Black," she adds, "you either leave or pick a bed; I believe you also had a hard night yesterday with all the Dementors and-"

"I guess I'll leave, then" I say, smiling, "I don't want to bother anyone, and I need some time to myself. Have a good day, everyone!"

I put my hand on the doorknob to open the door and leave, but someone else on the other side beats me at it.

A/N: hey my nifflersss! hope you're well and hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!!

again, i don't really know what to say... i'm sleepy... and i've watched percy jackson again... anyways...

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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