Chapter 21 - De-Gnoming And Planning Our Attack On Privet Drive

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"Children!" calls Mrs Weasley from wherever she is. We all look up to see from where she's calling us. We've been having lots of fun during this week; playing Quidditch, eating candy, playing Wizard Chess, planning pranks... "Could you go de-gnoming the garden, please?".

We look at each other, our smiles slightly fading.

"You too, Ron!" calls Mrs Weasley.

Our smiles grow a bit again.

"Ugh, bloody hell..." mutters Ron moments later, walking down the stairs.

"C'mon, guys" I call, making my way to the garden.

I look around at the overgrown garden. There's a pond with frogs, and the grass was green and fresh, though really dense. There are a few little creatures running around. I bet there are more of them hidden, since there are small holes on the ground, with the perfect size for the gnomes to hide in them.

"Let's get to work!" say the twins.

And we start grabbing the gnomes and throwing them over the hedge. Some of them came back or bit us, but we would throw them away again.

After a few hours, when all the gnomes were gone, we got back inside and sat on the sofa, ready to fall asleep or simply pass out.

"Children!" calls Mrs Weasley again. "Dinner's ready!".

We all looked at each other, all wearing the same delighted smile (though Ron's was more intensified).

We use our last strength to make our way to the kitchen and sit at the table.

"Dad's not coming?" asks Ron, looking around.

"Oh, no, dear..." responds Mrs Weasley, a bit sad. "He had to stay a few extra hours at the Ministry".

She smiled weakly and gestured for us to serve ourselves.


After stuffing ourselves with food, talking, and saying stupid jokes, we went to bed. I was going up the stairs, laughing with the twins, when Ron called us from the door of his bedroom.

"Come here!" he whisper-yells.

We approach him with questioning looks on our faces.

"Harry hasn't been responding to my letters..." he begins, "and we all know that his aunt and uncle are not that friendly with him, right? So, I thought we could, maybe, do something about it...".

"Like..." I begin, "kidnap him?".

"Well, it seems creepy if ya say it that way" says Ron. "But, I mean, kind of...".

"And when are you planning to do that?" asks George.

"I don't know yet, maybe...".

"Tonight!" I interrupt.

"What?" says Ron, surprised. "T-tonight? Already? Don't we need more time to think or something?"

"We could wait in our bedrooms for Mum to go to bed..." starts Fred.

"And we could get our old Ford Anglia..." continues George.

"And fly to Privet Drive!" they conclude together.

A grin grows on my face.

"I'll drive" says Fred.

"Oh, okay... Okay... I guess we could manage that..." says Ron, looking worried.

"Wait" I say, realising something, "I can't go to bed now; Ginny will understand if I just get out of the room in the middle of the night".

"Oh, it's okay, I won't tell Mum" says someone.

Ginny is standing in front of her own bedroom, looking innocently at us.

"How long have you been there?!" asks Ron, seeming horrified for some reason.

"Long enough" she says, "Anyways, you can go get Harry, and I'll stay here; I can cover y'all up if Mum asks something...".

"Would you do that for us?" ask the twins, making puppy faces at Ginny.

"Yeah, but you'll have to do my chores for the rest of the holidays in return" she replies, intensifying her innocent face.

"We should've seen that one coming..." mutter the twins in harmony.

"Well, thank you Ginny" I say with a smile.

"At your service" she replies, "If you do something for me in return".

"Okay, deal" says Ron.

We all nod in agreement.

"Now, go to bed everyone!" whispers Ginny, "I'll warn you when Mum goes to sleep".

We nod again and go to our bedrooms, thinking of a way to stay alive (A/N: I have never seen the general so despondent, I have taking over writing all his correspondence... yeah, I'll shut up...) when Fred Weasley would drive us to number 4 Privet Drive.

A/N: hey my dudesssss! how r y'all doin? hope you liked this chapter!

ugh, school's starting next week, and im sirius when i say that i just wanna cry sometimes... but i still have some time before it happens, so yeah...


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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