Chapter 20 - The Last Week Of Summer

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"Do you have everything?" asks Moony.

"Yes, for the 100th time, I do" I answer, smiling.

"Okay, I'll go get the Floo" he says, and leaves the room.

This week is the last week of Summer holidays. Moony and Mrs Weasley agreed that I could go to The Burrow and spend it with the Weasleys. Still, Moony will be there when we go to the train to Hogwarts; I like to say goodbye to him before I go to school. Also, he's always there to reassure me that Mum and Dad would be happy to know how much I've grown up.

Remus comes back with the old leather bag.

"Here" he says, handing it to me. "Have fun, and tell the guys 'hi' for me"

I nod, and give him a hug.

"See ya next week, Moon".

"See you next week" he responds, smiling.

I take some Powder, and do the usual Floo routine.

Arriving at The Burrow, I'm presented with the smell of chocolate and happiness and the warm and tight hug from my best friends.

"Finally!" exclaims George.

"We were getting tired of Percy!" complains Fred.

"Why do you always say the same thing when I get here?" I ask, freeing myself from their embrace.

"Because it's true!" says Ron, who had just gotten to the room, "Though you two are not any better" he mutters, looking at the twins.

"Hey!" they respond in unison, looking irritated.

"Hey, Jupiter" says Ron, ignoring the twins.

I give him a quick hug and whisper "You better run before they have some evil revenge plan against you". His eyes widen, he nods and runs away.

"Oh, he can run" says Fred.

"But if he wakes up tomorrow and his hair colour changes every time he blinks..." continues George.

" won't our fault" completes Fred.

"You used to have pranks wickeder that hair colour change" says a quite arrogant voice behind the twins.

The was another red-headed boy standing at the door. His eyes were focused on a book, but his lips were slightly turned into a smile. Percy adjusted his glasses and turned a page.

The twins turned around to face him.

"Oh, Perce, it's not the affect that it'll have on Ron that counts" says George.

"It's the affect that it'll have on Mum" completes Fred.

Percy's eyes leave the book and look at his brothers. There is a very slight shine on them, and his face shows a very slight pride. He looks at me and says, "Hello, Jupiter. Had a good Summer?".

"Yes, you?" I ask.

"Well, I think so..." and he walks away from us.

Fred and George are about to complain about Percy, when we hear someone's feet approaching the room.

"Oh, Jupiter, dear!" says Mrs Weasley's sweet voice. "I didn't realise you had arrived yet!".

She gives me a tight hug and asks, "Didn't Remus come with you, darling?".

"No," I respond looking down, "he had to go to work... But he said 'hi'!".

She smiles sweetly and says, "Well, he'll be here on the 1st of September, right?".

"Yes, he will" I respond, returning the smile.

Her smile only fades when she looks at the twins' evil smiles while talking quietly at each other.

"Why do you two always seem to be planning some evil attack?!" she cries, "And what did you do to Ron this time?!".

"Nothing, nothing..." they mutter in return.

She calms herself down and shouts, "Ginny! Come downstairs, Jupiter's arrived!".

Some seconds later, Ginny comes running down the stairs.

"Hey, Jupiter!" she says, smiling and giving me a quick hug.

"Hey! It's your first year at Hogwarts this year, how d'you feel?".

"Happy" she responds, "Just hope the subjects aren't too hard".

"Just ask if ya need help with the homework" I tell her.

"Yeah, you'll need it..." says Fred.

"You'll have endless and insanely cruel homework" completes George.

"Well, glad I'm smarter than both of you together" she replies.

The twins look outraged, but I know they'll never prank Ginny like they prank Ron and... everyone else.

"You're lucky Mum's not here" they mutter in harmony.

A/N: helloooooo mugglesssss (and everyone else)! i hope ya liked the chapter!

i just watched an interview with james and oliver phelps right now, and i gotta say, i love those dudes. i already used to, but yeah...

also, i'm watching 'the guy who didn't like musicals' again! yay!

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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