Chapter 18 - Mysterious Conversations In The Library

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"Hey Black!" says an arrogant voice behind the twins and me.

We're just walking in the Grounds, talking about new ideas for pranks, minding our own business. Still, we turn around to see who called me.

It's a boy. Very light skin, very blonde hair, very annoying face. My lovely cousin. Draco Malfoy.

"Draco! How've ya been?" I say sarcastically. The twins smile, but their faces harden when they look back at Malfoy.

"I've heard daddy's still in jail..." he says, ignoring me. "It won't last long until you join him".

"It won't last long until your daddy joins him" I reply. I hear Fred and George chuckle.

"Don't you dare talk about my father!" spits Draco.

"Look who's talking!" says Fred, smiling a bit.

"But, seriously, bud, do you already know what you want to be when you grow up?" I say. Draco and his bodyguards look at my questionably. "Ya know, maybe follow your family tradition. A Death Eater would be a great option".

The twins are laughing out loud now.

"My father will hear about this!" says Draco, spitting as much venom as possible.

"Yeah, I'm so scared!" I say. I walk towards him. "Look, I really don't like being rude to people, but, perhaps, if you don't talk about my family and my friends, you won't get hurt, yeah?".

And we walk away, leaving them open-mouthed, too hypnotised to even move.

"That was a good one, J!" say the twins.

"Oh, I know... He deserved it..." I reply, ginning.


"Ugh, I'm tired of this!" says Fred, dropping his quill on the table.

"What? You prefer to fail all the classes?" responds Angelina, not taking her eyes off the History of Magic essay.

Angie, Fred, George, Lee, and I are in the library doing our endless and boring homework. I get up to get a book and see Harry, Ron, and Hermione reading a, rather huge, book out loud.

"Here it is! 'The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold, and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal" says Hermione, excited.

"Immortal?" asks Ron, open-mouthed.

"It means you never die" responds Hermione, looking Ron straight in the eye.

"I know what it means!" screams Ron.

A Philosopher's Stone? Why would they be researching that? Why would they even care about that? I don't think Binns would talk about that in class...

"Hey guys!" I say, interrupting their 'studying'.

They look at me.

"Oh, hi, Jupiter" says Mione with a small smile.

"Ya know, Mione, maybe Jupiter could give us some help..." whispers Ron. The three of them look at each other.

"Okay, you might be right..." says Hermione, sighing. "Jupiter, sit".

I sit on a chair next to her.

"I heard you guys talking about Philosopher's Stones, by the way" I say, sparing part of their explanation.

"Oh okay..." begins Hermione, "So, well, do you remember the 3rd floor?".

"The one Dumbledore said we can't go to?" I ask, suspicious.

"Yes..." says Hermione, looking guilty. "Well, um,... we went there".

A smile appears on my face.

"We didn't mean to, though! We got there by accident, and then Mrs. Norris came and we had to run away from her!" says Hermione, a bit nervous, "And there was a door near, so we opened it and entered the room".

Ron cringed.

"And there was a... three-headed dog there...".

"WHAT?!" I yell.

Madam Pince gives me an outraged look, and I mutter a 'sorry'.

"Yeah, sorry, go on" I tell Hermione.

"So, well, I noticed that there was a trap door. The dog was standing on it! That means...".

"That it was guarding something" I finish.

"Exactly!" says Hermione.

"And you think it's guarding the Stone?" I ask. They nod. "Why?".

"The day I went to Diagon Alley with Hagrid, he went to take a 'top secret' thing from a vault in Gringotts. He said it was 'Hogwarts business'. We think it's the Stone" says Harry.

I'm still giving them a questioning look.

"Then, on Hallowe'en, when we defeated the troll, I don't know if you noticed, but Snape's leg was cut and there was a lot of blood coming from it" continues Harry. "We think he brought the troll to the school so people wouldn't notice him while he was trying to pass through the dog".

"And during the Quidditch match," interrupts Ron, "someone was jinxing Harry's broom. We saw Snape muttering something from his stand, not breaking eye contact with Harry".

"You think Snape tried to kill Harry?" I ask.

"I mean, maybe" says Ron.

"After the match," Hermione continues, "we talked to Hagrid about that, and he told us that the dog was his, and it was hiding something 'strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel'. And I remembered something I read about Flamel".

We all looked at the book.

"He created the Philosopher's Stone" says Hermione, her eyes shining. "So that's what Fluffy is guarding".

"Fluffy?" I ask, almost laughing.

"That's what Hagrid told us it was called..." says Ron.

"So... what are we going to do about it?" I ask.

They smile a bit, and start telling me what they pretend to do.

A/N: hey everyone! how've ya been?? hope you enjoyed this chapter. ugh, my school is almost starting and i'm getting more and more nervous... anyways

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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