Chapter 3 - Meeting New People

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Finding a compartment, though, is not going so well. It appears that most students had already found a seat by the time we enter the train, leaving us with very few options to choose from.

In fact, after searching throughout the whole train, we found only two compartments with vacant seats. One with Percy, books scattered around him, Scabbers neatly planted away from them. And the other with a boy who seems to be older than us – maybe Percy's age –, attentively reading a book entitled 'Quidditch Through the Ages'. He seems to be well built – probably plays Quidditch –, with fair skin, short brown hair and walnut-coloured eyes, strongly focused on the book in his hands. There are a few other books around him, too, although they're not at all like what Percy usually reads. Actually, they're all about Quidditch. Which, let's be honest, sounds way cooler than whatever Percy's nose is always buried in.

The twins and I exchange looks.

"I'm not sitting with Percy," they say in unison.

"Yeah, I know," I reply, "Let's see if this boy lets us sit with him".

I knock on the door, receiving no response. I decide to just skip pleasantries and enter the compartment.

Still, the boy doesn't notice, his eyes still focused on his book.

I clear my throat, purposefully loudly, hoping to get the boy's attention. His head abruptly jerks up, his eyes finally leaving the book.

"Oh, sorry," he says, in a thick Scottish accent, "I didn't see you. Have you been there for too long?"

"No, we just arrived," I answer, "We were just wondering, since – apart from this one – the only vacant compartment has Percy Weasley in it, if we could sit with you...?"

"Percy Weasley... Never takes Quidditch seriously, that one," the boy mutters, narrowing his eyes. It makes me wonder if there's some sort of enmity relationship between them. "It's always books and tests and whatnot..."

"Tell me about it..." the twins mutter in response.

"But, sure, you can sit here," the boy says, "Let me just... clean this up a bit".

After the compartment is (mostly) cleaned up, we take our seats in front of the boy, whose name I still don't know.

"I'm Oliver Wood, by the way," the boy says, as if reading my mind, "Third Year. Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. You?" he sticks his chin up with pride, faintly resembling Percy, his one true enemy.

"Fred Weasley," George presents himself.

"George Weasley," Fred introduces.

"Yeah, sure," I mutter. "I'm Jupiter, First Year, please to meet you".

"Wait, did you say 'Weasley'?" Oliver Wood asks, "Percy's brothers, are you?" that doesn't seem to be a good thing, though. "But then you're Charlie's brothers too, right? He's a great Seeker, Charlie. One of the best Gryffindor's ever had. James Potter wasn't bad, either, but then he became a Chaser. Not that he was a bad Chaser, though-"

Before Oliver could say anything else, though, we hear a knock on the door. Outside, stands a boy who seems to be my age. His skin tone is of a deep chocolate colour, his eyes even darker. His head displays a tuff of brown dreadlocks. We motion for him to come in.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit with you guys?" he asks, "Most of the train's full".

"Not at all," I say, looking at the others for approval, "Make yourself at home!"

He smiles and sits next to Oliver, in front of me.

"Lee Jordan, First Year," he presents.

We present ourselves to him.

"Black?!" he exclaims, his face a mix of incredulity and excitement. "Like in... Sirius Black?!"

I nod, uncertain of his reaction. I notice the twins' smiles falter a little, as if they're pondering which hex they should use on the boys if their next move isn't the nicest.

"Er... are you related?" Oliver's expression is more... unsure but interested.

"Yeah...?" I reply, trying not to show worry.

"Wicked..." Lee lets a grin form on his face, which, honestly, takes me aback. In a good way, of course.

"Oh, so... it's not a problem...?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Lee seems as confused as me, "You're related to one of the most dangerous wizards in Azkaban! That's downright awesome!"

"To be honest," Oliver is slightly calmer, although I see a shine in his eyes, as if, in the future, I could possibly be useful to accidentally eliminate adversary Quidditch Teams. "you don't seem dangerous. And, considering you've never had a Charms class in your life, I wouldn't say you're even prepared to... kill us or something. Also, I don't usually judge people. Well, except if it has something to do with Quidditch, of course. But, otherwise," he smiles slightly, "I think I can trust you".

I can't help the way my lips curl upward. I'm sure a lot of people out there would act all petty about the situation, but destiny has brought me to actually nice people. I'm sure it's my charm, of course. But I'm still thankful. "Thanks, guys... Means a lot..."

Another knock on the door and a girl comes in. Her dark brown hair is messily tied up in a bun, showing off all her face and neck, which are of a chestnut tone. Her eyes are of a shiny dark shade. She brings a huge trunk in her hands, which she immediately drops on the floor.

"Hey everyone," she says, "Can I sit here? Please don't make me go sit with the nerds next door".

She seems nice.

"He's next door..." Oliver mutters under his breath, as if wanting to murder someone.

We immediately let her in, Fred offering to put her trunk aside.

"Thank you..." the girl says awkwardly, as Fred takes the trunk from her hands. "Um... I'm Angelina, by the way. Angelina Johnson, First Year".

We go for another round of presentations before we start talking more. I notice how she doesn't even have a reaction when I tell her my name, apart from the subtle narrowing of her eyes and the ghost of a wickedly amused smile.

The twins end up having the idea of visiting the roof of the train. I have no clue why they want to do that, but then again, why does it matter? I decide to join them, and... well, let's just say it wasn't the best idea. And I'll admit, I almost fall off my seat when the candy trolley lady enters our compartment, smiley and innocent-looking, politely asking if we want to buy anything.

We spend the rest of the journey talking happily, getting to know each other, only silencing when a bodiless voice starts to echo around the train, announcing that we will be arriving in about ten minutes. We take that time to change into our plain black robes. Ten minutes after, the voice comes back, this time announcing our arrival, right before the train comes to a stop. 


A/N: hey, my nifflers! hope you're doing well and hope you enjoyed this chapter!

anyway, I decided to give Oliver and Percy some kind of enemy relationship. because let's be honest, they are very much alike. in different ways, but alike. Oliver is very obsessive when it comes to Quidditch, Percy is very obsessive when it comes to grades and school and stuff. and they are roommates, yes, they are two Gryffindors in the same Year. so, they'd probably not be so friendly-like to each other. on the other hand, I really ship them, so let's make something out of this, right?

well, stay home, wear a mask, stay safe 😷. and may the Force be with you, always.

luv y'all, you're totally awesome :)

~luna 💙

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