Chapter 16 - Hogsmeade Trip

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Last week's match was not forgotten by anyone. Really, it looks like people love us now. And they put a lot of hope on us. So, we must impress them. Therefore, Oliver has been even more strict about practises. But, somehow, we convinced him to go to Hogsmeade with us this weekend. Katie and Harry can't go, but they say it's okay for them.

So here we are, giving our authorisations to Filch, who's looking at us with suspicious eyes, scanning the papers, trying to find a way to prove they're false. Which they're not, so he won't have the pleasure to blame us for anything.

He finally lets us go, and we follow the train of students to the village. The air of November is getting cold, but the snow hadn't started yet.

We get to the small village and I take in the view (A/N: ALL WE SEE IS SKY, FOR FOREVER... fine, I'll shut up...). It's full of small, cosy houses, made of wood. Some of them are pubs or shops, others are actual houses for living.

Oliver is the only one that has been there, so he's the one showing us places. He motions for a pub called 'The Three Broomsticks'. People say it has the best Butterbeer ever.

We get inside, and are immediately presented with warmth and the smell of pie and pumpkin juice. Oliver gets to the counter.

"Madam Rosmerta!" he calls.

A pretty, middle-aged woman, with dark blonde curly hair, light skin, and blue eyes smiles and come to us.

"Hello, children!" she says in a jovial voice. "What can I get you?".

"6 Butterbeers, please" says Oliver.

She smiles and gets us 6 bottles of Butterbeer. We pay, and go sit at a table in a quiet corner (A/N: from the table in the corner, they could see a world reborn... sorry, this is too sad...).

"Ya didn't even ask if we wanted the Butterbeers" says Angie.

"It doesn't matter, you've got to try them, they're the best" replies Oliver.

They were, indeed, the best I've ever tried. They were hot, but had cold, fluffy foam on top. Their flavour warmed up our insides. They tasted like... home.

"Told ya" says Oliver, after seeing our delighted faces. "They're the best".

After we finish our drinks, we leave the place and go find other shops to go to. We approach one called 'Zonko's Joke Shop'.

"Wow" say the twins. And they got inside it without even waiting for us. We followed them and got inside the shop. It was, to say the least, crazy. It was so colourful, and so full of creativity and light that it was almost impossible to believe it was real. And, somehow, it felt more home for me than the taste of the Butterbeer.

When we left the shop, the twins, Lee, and I, carried endless bags full of Dungbombs, Hiccough Sweets, Nose-Biting Teacups, Frog Spawn Soap, etc. Each of us had also bought a Pygmy Puff. The owner said they were good pets, so we decided to get one. Mine is blue and I called her Gwenog, honouring Gwenog Jones, Captain of the Holyhead Harpies.

We go to the Post Office, because I need to send an owl to Moony, saying how things were going here at school.

And then, Honeydukes. It is full of students. Still, we manage to buy some of the stuff that still hadn't been bought by the hungry Hogwarts pupils. We got Sugar Quills, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs, Jelly Slugs, Shock-O-Choc, Chocolate Cauldrons, and other candy.

Then, Oliver drags us to Spintwitches Sporting Needs, where he tells us how he wants to renovate our Quidditch uniforms.

"But I can't do anything without talking to McGonagall first..." he says, sighing.

And last, Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. Just to see some writing things that we need for school.

Finally, when our arms are full of bags and our wallets full of air, we decide to go back to school. But not before buying some Butterbeers, with the rest of our money, to bring Katie, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And maybe some more for us too...

A/N: helloooooo! here's a kinda small chapter about a trip to hogsmeade. i thought it was kinda cute, hope you liked it too!

luv yaaaaa

~luna loveniffler 💙

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