Chapter 4 - Welcome To Hogwarts

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Leaving the train is quite tough. Lots of people, lots of trunks, lots of loose pets. Then we realise we're not supposed to take the trunks ourselves (they'll be magically taken to our dormitories), and there's even more clutter. But we make it through. As soon as I leave the cosy warmness of the Hogwarts Express, I'm met with the gelid night breeze of the Scottish Highlands. It's quite the thermal shock, but I'm sure more warmth is awaiting us inside the castle.

While everyone is gathering their things, I take a moment to look up at the sky. It's something I've always done. It brings me peace and calms me down. I see the moon, white and bright, illuminating the dark night sky. I notice how it's growing rounder each day, meaning we'll have a full moon somewhen next week. The thought makes my heart race with concern for Remus. What if he can't get Wolfsbane this month? What if he has to go through the actual transformation? What if he gets out badly hurt and has no one to help him? What if...? I try to shake the thought off. Me worrying in advance won't help Moony in any way.

"C'mon, Firs'-Years!" says a loud, strong voice above all the noise, "C'mon, don't be scared, I don't bite!"

I look up to see a huge man. For sure the biggest person I've ever seen in my life. He might be about five times my height, with a huge mare of pitch-black hair and beard, which cover up all of his face except for his eyes: two little black dots, sparkling in the middle of all the fur.

Around me, everyone is just as amazed as I am regarding the man.

The twins utter a silent 'wow...', a wide grin spread on their faces.

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts!" the man, whose name is, apparently, Rubeus Hagrid, introduces himself. "Nice to meet yer all. Now, everyone, follow me!"

We all follow behind him, as he leads us through some dark, narrow path in the middle of, maybe, a forest. We stop in front of a big, black lake, filled with tiny boats.

"Alright, kids, four people to a boat, c'mon!" Hagrid tells us, "Hurry up!"

Eventually, we all get inside the small wooden boats that float in the Great Lake. I share my boat with the twins and Angelina. In front of us, Lee sits next to a dark-haired boy with an ivory skin tone, whose eyes sparkle with awe as he looks up at the castle.

Oh, yes, the castle... Tall and mighty, the Hogwarts Castle stands on top of a gigantic rock, planted in the middle of the Lake we are now on. You can see some torches lit all around it, illuminating every brick and every stone it took to build it, shining on every ivy racing up its walls. Suddenly, in the middle of the black void that is the lake below us, I see something moving.

"Look!" some kid yells, pointing at the creature I just noticed, "The Giant Squid!"

This 'Giant Squid' swims around us for some moments, swirling in the water as if dancing to a song, before retreating back into the dark depths of the Black Lake.

In no time, we cross the water, reaching the other bank. After leaving the boats, the huge man called Hagrid leads us through a passageway that will take us to the insides of the castle.

I was right, by the way, it is warm in here. Hagrid then leads us to a huge flight of stairs. Everyone races up the stairs, trying not to fall down, be pushed or trip. Upstairs, in front of a pair of big oak doors, stands a tall, old-looking witch wearing emerald-green robes. She has a stern look on her porcelain-coloured face, her green eyes grimly looking around the group of children in front of her. I notice her black hair neatly tied up in a bun hidden inside her dark pointed hat. By her expression, I can tell she is someone you should not mess up with. Also, Moony always says she can be really nice, as long as you cooperate. So I mentally cross her out of the list of Professors we can play pranks on.

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