Chapter 46 - A Cosy Cottage In The Woods

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The thing is... they also seem so happy...

Dad is barely recognizable. His dark brown hair is soft and shiny, reaching his shoulders. His smile is now white and bright, like it used to be. He's wearing some Muggle rock band t-shirt with a leather jacket and some black jeans. Still, he keeps looking too thin, but that'll hopefully change in the next months.

Moony, with his caramel coloured hair, already turning grey, his almond-coloured eyes sweet and happy again, is wearing shabby light brown blazer, a greyish button-up shirt and trousers of a darker shade of the blazer's colour.

They're quite good at Muggle clothing...

I approach them with the smile still on my face.

They hug me and Dad says, "So, how was school? You don't have to answer, I just wanted to finally be able to ask this..."

"Well," I reply, "I can tell you how the past 5 years of school have been..." I say sarcastically.

But then Dad looks at me, his eyes filled with interest, and with the sadness of not being able to accompany his family's life for 12 long years.

We get inside a car that Dad motions us to get in; I don't whose car is it, but I'm betting it's Dad's. It's a black car from that 70's or something.

"Okay, so..." I begin once we're inside.

And we keep talking until we reach a cosy house in the woods.

"So," Dad says, "Narcissa's got a son?" I nod, "And he's been a jerk to you?"

"Not really" I reply, "He's always making some funny comments about Azkaban and stuff, but I can always find some comebacks in time, so it's okay..."

"That's my kid" Dad mutters.

We chuckle and get out of the car.

"So..." I begin, "What's this?"

Seriously? 'What's this'? It's kind of obvious, isn't it?

"This is our new home" Moony answers.

"Really?" I ask, "How did you even have time to get the house? Or money?"

"Well..." Dad says, "Your uncle Regulus and I were the only heirs of the... great legacy of the Black family... The Ministry told me Regulus had died, so I'm the only heir. And since the rest of the family is also dead... I legally have all their money and possessions"

Wow... but, why wouldn't we live in the old House of Black? I mean, it doesn't seem very cosy, but...

"Since it's magically hidden, we thought the House of Black would be a good safe place for when we need it," Remus adds, as if he read my mind, "instead of living in there"

"So we bought this one" Dad finishes, "Cosy, next to the Nature, not creepy..." he chuckles, "but, as you said, we didn't have time to put everything in its place, so... we'll have work to do during the holidays..."

"Muggle style?" I ask, smiling.

Sometimes is funnier doing things like Muggles do; since it usually takes more time, you get to enjoy it better and make more memories.

"Muggle style" Dad assures.

And we get inside the house, ready to Muggle our way through Summer holidays.

There's nothing inside it. Only... walls, a roof, a floor made of light-coloured wood. It doesn't look the way I expected it to do; from outside, you'd think it was like a bungalow or something. But, from the inside, you see it has unpainted brick walls, a medium-sized fireplace (big enough for us to get inside if we want to travel by Floo Powder), and quite spacious rooms; three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.

"Did you buy this," I ask, "or did you build this?"

"We bought the piece of land we wanted," Dad answers, "and build the house the way we wanted"

"And I'm guessing you didn't go for the Muggle way to build that..." I say.

"No," Moony replies with smile, "but we left everything else to do the Muggle way"

Some moments of silence as we look around at the place that will be our home.

Then I take a deep breath and say, a grin forming on my lips, "Then let's get to work"


A/N: hellooooo my nifflersssss!! hope you're well and hope you liked this chapter!!

i'm so so so so so sorry that i didn't post anything for, like, two days or something... i didn't really have enough time... i'm sorry...

also *PLEASE READ*, i thought about finishing this book (since it already has a bunch of chapters) and continue the story in another one... i know no one is probably gonna answer this but, what do y'all think? should i keep this book or start a new one? i just don't want you to get bored 'cause this has too many chapters... BUT, PLEASE, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, ANSWER ME


luv y'all, you're totally awesome!!

~luna loveniffler 💙

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