Chapter 28 - Red-Headed Issues

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There were two identical boys inside our fireplace. Their freckled faces were dirty and their ginger hair was covered in dust. Still, they had those usual grins on their faces.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Oh, well," begins Fred, "we went to the Leaky Cauldron to spend the rest of the week,".

"And we asked Mum when we you were going to come," continues George.

"But she said you weren't coming this year!"

"And the thing is,"

"She's been the whole Summer telling us to write to you asking if you wanted to come with us to Diagon Alley!" they finish together.

"Why would she change her mind that quick?" asks George.

"That doesn't usually happen..." says Fred.

"So you came here because...?" I asked.

"We thought about kidnapping you first," Fred tells me upon Remus's surprised face, "like what we did with Harry, nothing dangerous" he adds quickly.

"But then we decided we should visit you and ask you guys why, in your way of thinking, is Mum acting like this..." George continues, "Ya know, like normal people would do!"

I think for a moment, then look at the newspaper still in my hand, then at Moony's quite sad face. I, then, look at the twins again.

"You haven't read The Prophet, have you?" I ask, a sad and worried look on my face.

"Why would we read that?" they reply, "We're not like Per-"

"Like Percy, I know..." I say, "Anyways... take it...".

I shove the paper into George's hand. Both of them look at me with questioning eyes, but I simply nod and gesture for them to read the front page.

They slowly look at the paper and their eyes widen; still, they keep reading the article. When their eyes stop moving through the page, they let the paper fall on the floor and engulf me in the tightest and warmest of hugs.

"I'm sorry..." they whisper.

I give a small sigh in response.


"So Mum doesn't want you to come with us because she's... scared of you?" asks Fred.

"Yes," responds Moony, "that must be it..."

"But..." begins George, "do you know where he is?"

"No..." I respond.

"We could go on a quest to try to find him!" they say in unison.

"No," says Remus, "I already told Jupiter that we are not going after Sirius".

Their smiles fade.

"Well, don't you think you should go back to your family?" Remus asks them, after a few moments of silence.

They look at him with a quite sad smile.

"C'mon, let's get you to The Leaky Cauldron" says Moony, walking back to the fireplace.

The twins do the Floo routine and we watch them as they disappear in the fire.

"Should we go after them?" I ask.

Moon looks at me with a questioning face.

"I don't know," I begin, "we could try to have a talk with Mrs Weasley..."

He silently thinks for a few seconds.

"We could try..." he affirms slowly, "it might not work, but... we could give it a shot (A/N: I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT! Fine, I'll shut up...)".

I manage a weak smile and step into (A/N: my candystoooreee) the fireplace. I take the Powder, say 'The Leaky Cauldron' very clearly, and find myself being transported through the green fire.

I arrive at a quite dark and shabby pub, with a few old tables around. There were some witches and wizards sitting in them, reading or eating or drinking something. There was a large table in a corner, where a, rather big, family was sitting. There was something special about them; they were all red-headed and their faces were covered in freckles. I walked to that table with Remus, who had just arrived.

"Molly?" he calls quietly.

Mrs Weasley looks at us; her eyes widen, but she follows as we walk towards a darker corner.

"Look," she begins, "I love you two, and I'm not scared of any of you, really. But, if... he comes after his daughter and his best-friend-"

"James was his best-friend..." Moony whispers, "I was his... nevermind".

"Anyways," Mrs Weasley carries on, "if he comes after you, I'm so sorry, but I can't risk the security of my family. I'm so, so sorry".

A/N: hey my nifflersssss! hope you're well, and hope you liked this chapter!

anyways, i gotta go so yeah...

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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