Chapter 29 - Happiness Can Be Found

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Dumbledore exclusively let me stay at Hogwarts for the last week of Summer, since Moony accepted the job and Mrs Weasley didn't want me to stay near her. The twins have been owling me every day. You know Fred and George Weasley, right? Have you actually pictured them writing? Yeah, I know...

Anyways, it was cool to stay at Hogwarts when there were no students there. You have basically everything just for yourself! It's great. Having the whole Pitch empty, silenced from the screaming kids during matches, taking a broom and just flying around, playing every position...

But it'll be all over, because all the students will be back tomorrow. All the noise will reappear, all the empty space will be filled. And I'll have my friends back... if they decide not to be scared of me...


"JUPITER!" say a few voices coming from the door. I'm already sitting in the Gryffindor table, waiting for the usual Sorting Ceremony; the teachers are also there already, all but McGonagall, who will be leading the first-years.

The twins run to the table and sit next to me; Fred at my left and George at my right. They give me a side hug and, before they could start making questions, more students come in. Angelina, Katie, Lee, and Oliver come running to our table and sit next to us.

"It's great to see you again, Jupiter!" says Angie, pushing Fred aside to hug me, and ignoring his complaints, "My parents said I had to be careful when writing to you, because of... you've been reading The Prophet, right...?".

I nod silently.

"Well, that's why I didn't write to you this week... I'm sorry...".

"Oh, it's fine..." I say, trying to smile, "I understand...".

I look down for a moment.

"Hey..." says Oliver, "you know we're not scared of you, right?"

"Yeah," continues Lee, "we told you the day we met, on the train! Being related to a bad person doesn't make you bad!".

"We're going be by your side," adds Katie, "always".

"And if someone decides to go against you," says George.

"We're going to-" continues Fred, but Angelina interrupts him.

"Kick their arse. Hard" she completes.

"Thank you..." I whisper, holding back tears.

The sound of the Sorting Hat arriving, singing his usual song, distracts us from our conversation.

The Ceremony begins, we get some students into Gryffindor, it ends, we sing the Hogwarts School Song (which everyone can sing in a different tune and melody), and Dumbledore gives his speech.

"Students!" he begins, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. First, I would like to welcome Professor R. J. Lupin, who gladly accepted the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, Professor"

Moony got up from his seat and everyone cheers, leaving me with huge grin in my face.

"The Care for Magical Creatures teacher," Dumbledore continues, "has retired. So, fortunately, I'm proud to announce, that his position will be taken by, none other than, Rubeus Hagrid!".

Hagrid clumsily stands up, knocking down some water goblets. Everyone cheers, except some Slytherins (I truly don't know what's wrong with them...) and Hagrid sits again, knocking down the rest of the goblets.

"Finally," continues Dumbledore, his face hardening, "something more serious... As a request from the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will be guarded by Dementors from Azkaban,"

Oh no.

"until Sirius Black is captured".

I feel people's eyes on me, and I just want to hide from the world, but I keep my head up and my eyes fixed on Dumbledore.

"The Dementors will guard every entrance to the school, and, even though it was assured to me that they won't perturbate any of our activities, I must give you a warning: Dementors are evil and vicious creatures. They can't distinguish the one they are hunting down from the one that gets on their way. Therefore, I must warn all of you to not give them any reason to harm you. It is not in a Dementor's nature to forgive. But you know, happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers... to turn on the light".

A/N: helloooooo my lovely nifflersssss! how've ya been? hope ya liked this chapter!

IT'S FINALLY WEEKEND!! that means... NO SCHOOL FOR 2 DAYS!! one of them is basically over, but okay...

also, i started watching once upon a time again, and... yeah, that's it. i'm still in the first ep so... don't know if i'll like emma this time (i didn't used to like her back then)...


luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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