Chapter 14 - Hallowe'en

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"... and then it exploded!" say the twins in unison.

"Right on Filch's face!" adds Lee.

We all laugh. We're currently on the Great Hall, enjoying the Hallowe'en Feast, eating as much candy as we can.

The ceiling shows a cloudy night sky, but there are still some visible stars; the shiniest ones. The floating candles have been magically replaced by illuminated carved pumpkins.

Everyone has been laughing the whole time we've been here, until...

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON!" says someone who just entered the Hall, running and screaming like an idiot "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" repeats the voice. It was, indeed, Professor Quirrell. "I thought you might want to know...".

And he passed out.

Next thing you know, everyone is yelling and running around, trying to get out of the Hall, as if that would help anything.

"SILENCE!" screams Dumbledore, who had got up from his chair in the teachers' table. "Prefects, please, lead your House's students to the Common Rooms".

I see Percy nodding and starting to unite all the Gryffindors, leading us to the exit.

"Teachers," I hear Dumbledore say, calmly, "meet me in the dungeons, please".


We're on our way to the Common Room when I decide to check on Harry and Ron. But, looking around, I can't seem to find them.

"Hey guys," I ask the twins, "have you seen Harry and Ron?".

"They're not here?" asks Fred.

"No..." I respond.

"Well, we better find them" says George.

"Yeah, Mum's going to kill us if we let Ronald die" says Fred.

I roll my eyes and try to get away from the crowd of scared Gryffindors, Fred and George right behind me.


We're on our way to toilets on the 1st floor, when we hear a girl scream. We look at each other, take out our wands, and walk slowly to the girls' toilet.

We look inside and see Harry on the top of a giant mountain troll ready to hit him with it's bat; Ron with a wand, ready to cast a spell; and a girl hidden under a washbasin.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron screams.

The troll's bat flies in the air, and then falls down, hitting the creature right in the head. It falls unconscious on the floor.

We run into the bathroom.

Out of nowhere, I hug Harry.

"Are you guys okay?!" I ask.

"Yeah, I think so..." Harry responds, giving me a small smile.

I look at Ron. He nods.

The girl comes out of her hiding place.

"You alright?" I ask.


And then, I hear someone gasp behind me. There is someone at the door.

Uh oh.

Turning back, I meet the faces of Professor McGonagall, looking terrified but still fierce, Professor Snape, always looking at us with an annoyed face, and Professor Quirrell, who seemed slightly less horrified than before.

"What happened here?!" asked McGonagall, finding her voice at last.

"I... um..." Ron stuttered.

"It was -" started the girl firmly.

"Me. It was me, Professor" I say, even more firmly than the girl.

Everyone looks at me surprised. McGonagall is even more surprised than everyone else.

"I... I didn't expect something like this from you, Ms. Black" she says. "What did you think of?!".

"I thought I could defeat the troll by myself" I affirm, "You may know how Care for Magical Creatures is one of my favourite classes," this one was actually not a lie "so I thought I had enough information about the creature to take it down myself" I finished.

They are all astonished. Since no one says anything, I decide to keep talking.

"Fred and George followed me when I said I was going to find the troll" I begin, pointing at the twins. "I said I could go alone, but they came because they're good friends and wouldn't let me screw up on my own" the twins manage a little smile. "Now these three," I say, pointing at Harry, Ron, and the girl, "I don't know why they followed us. They were clearly safer at the Common Room with everyone else".

"And so were you!" screamed McGonagall. "For thin nonsense, I'm taking 5 points from Gryffindor" she says, looking me straight in the eye.

She looks at all of us for a moment, and her expression slightly softens. Very, very slightly.

"And I'm giving 5 points to each of the remaining of you," our faces light up "for few meet a mountain troll and live to tell the story".

We all have small grins on our faces.

"Now, I'm going to take you all to the Gryffindor Common Room," continues McGonagall after taking a deep breath, "and I expect you to stay there, and relax after this dangerous encounter".

She motions for us to follow her to the Room, before saying, "Quirinus, I'll leave you here with the troll. It's your speciality" she glances at the creature and then leads us to the Gryffindor Tower.


"Have a good night, children" says McGonagall when we approach the Fat Lady, "Caput Draconis".

The portrait lets us in, and I'm immediately engulfed in a tight hug.

"Where have you been?!" yells Angelina after letting me go.

We explain everything, and everyone looks at us in awe.

When they all go to bed, I stay a bit with the twins, Harry, Ron, and the girl, whose name was apparently Hermione Granger.

"Thank you, Jupiter" says Hermione suddenly. "For taking the blame".

"Oh, it's okay" I say, smiling a little.

"No, really" she says, "When Harry told me -" Harry and Ron give her a suspicious look. "Okay, when I overheard Harry and Ron talking about you, saying your father was Sirius Black, I confess that I didn't trust you" she looks down "I'm sorry for that... I totally trust you now" she assures.

I give her a side hug and smile down at her.

We went to bed shortly after that, for it was late, and meeting a troll was rather exhausting.

A/N: hey guysssss! sorry if i posted it later than usual; i didn't have a lot of time today... but, anyways, hope you enjoyed it! i actually liked it, i felt more inspired today, so... yeah

luv y'all

~luna loveniffler 💙

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